My drawings
Phylogenetic tree of life
Tree of life (Spanish)
Tree of life 2 (Spanish)
Virus, Baltimore Classification
Virus Replication Scheme
Virus Replication Cycle
Archaea membrane
Bacterial cell envelope
Bacterial cell wall
Bacterial cytoskeleton (Spanish)
Eukarya endosymbiosis
Cytoplasma outside hypothesis
Eukaryotic flagella
Toxoplasma Life Cycle (Spanish)
Cyclospora Life Cycle (Spanish)
Apicomplexa Life Cycle
Apicomplexa structure
Ciliophora morphology
Metamonada: Retortamonas, Hexamita, Giardia
Dinoflagellata structure
Dinoflagellata life cycle
Evolution of Atmosferic Oxygen
Burbuja inmobiliaria (Spanish)
My photos
Podarcis bocagei (female)
Podarcis bocagei (male)
Unidentified Charadriiformes
Lepas anatifera