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About me

An ecologist by training, my research focuses on understanding and conserving biodiversity. I grew up in Bangalore and have spent over a decade in the field, observing nature. I have studied studied several ecosystems and taxa ranging from dragonflies to epiphytes in the tall forest canopies in the Western Ghats. As part of my PhD, I reported the discovered new species and new reproductive behavior of frogs and examined the evolutionary ecology of such behavior. I am committed to the cause of conservation and strongly believe that there is an urgent need to rekindle a sense of wonder towards nature among people so that they care about our planet. In my spare time, I am tending a terrace garden, reading a book, or exploring the wilderness.

Wikipedia contributions

I edit pages on wikipedia to add content and photographs. You can find them here. Many of the photographs I take gather dust on my hard drive. I upload many of them on Wiki Commons and they can be accessed here (thumbnail gallery).

Popular Science Articles

I enjoy writing about nature and hope to nudge others to sit up and take notice of the innate beauty of nature. A list of the popular science articles I have authored are listed below.

  1. Seshadri K. S. (2024). The original rock music. Deccan Herald. November (2024).
  2. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Centipedes' Global Odyssey. Deccan Herald. September (2024).
  3. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Musical world of frogs-are we listening?. Sanctuary Asia. June (2024).
  4. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Decoding the variety of mountain flowers. Deccan Herald. May (2024).
  5. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Conserving Wildlife Beyond Borders. Deccan Herald. April (2024).
  6. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Behind biodiversity in the Western Ghats. Deccan Herald. March (2024).
  7. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Answering the call of the jungle. Deccan Herald. February (2024).
  8. Seshadri K. S. (2024). Go hiking, but be mindful of nature. Deccan Herald. February (2024).
  9. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Re-imagining Bengaluru lakes as living beings. Deccan Herald. December (2023).
  10. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Leopards in a spot Deccan Herald. November (2023).
  11. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Selective tree felling and fragile forests. Deccan Herald. September 2023.
  12. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Dancing with death. Deccan Herald. June 2023.
  13. Tinkle Comics Team (2023). Daring Dad. Tinkle Comics June 2023
  14. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Enchanting forest canopy. JLR Explore. May 2023.
  15. Seshadri K. S. (2023). A sneak peek into the bird's beak. Deccan Herald. April 2023.
  16. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Too hot to handle.... Deccan Herald. April 2023.
  17. Seshadri K. S. (2023). Otters in the city: Hype vs. reality. Deccan Herald. January 2023.
  18. Seshadri K. S. (2022). The grass is indeed greener on the other side. The Hindu. Novemeber 2022.
  19. Seshadri K. S. (2022). The science and art of naming species. Deccan Herald. Novemeber 2022.
  20. Seshadri K. S. (2022). Bullfrogs of India. RoundGlass Sustain. October 2022.
  21. Seshadri K. S. (2022). Laboratory of Evolution. The Kodai Chronicle. September 2022.
  22. Seshadri K. S. (2022). The Amur Falcon and the mysteries of migration. RoundGlass Sustain. June 2022.
  23. Seshadri K. S. (2022). Skittering Frogs: Look Closely, They’re Floating on Water Everywhere. RoundGlass Sustain. June 2022.
  24. Seshadri K. S. (2022). Shot of Poison: Kraits of India. RoundGlass Sustain. May 2022
  25. Seshadri K. S. (2022). What do frog songs tell us. RoundGlass Sustain. May 2022.
  26. Seshadri K. S. (2022). High Life: Gliding frogs of the Western Ghats. RoundGlass Sustain. May 2022.
  27. Seshadri. K.S. (2022). Epiphytes- Plants of the Enchanted Canopy. Sanctuary Asia. February 2022.
  28. Seshadri K. S. (2022). Toads of Karnataka JLR Explore. February 2022.
  29. Seshadri K. S. (2021). What do frogs eat? JLR Explore. October 2021.
  30. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Sights and sounds from the tree canopy. RoundGlass Sustain. Spetember 2021.
  31. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Leaps and Bounds: The fascinating frog world of Agumbe. RoundGlass Sustain. August 2021.
  32. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Clash of the titans: When king cobra meets a rock python. RoundGlass Sustain. August 2021.
  33. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Dazzled by the Golden Gecko: Dainty lizard of the ruins. RoundGlass Sustain. August 2021.
  34. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Hiding in Plain Sight: Discovering a new frog in the Western Ghats. Sanctuary Asia. August 2021.
  35. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Jungle Sleuth: Wild Encounters and Animal Signs. RoundGlass Sustain. August 2021.
  36. Seshadri K. S. (2021). Plants as Parasites: Connecting to the Host with the Most. RoundGlass Sustain. August 2021.
  37. Seshadri K. S. (2021). ಕಾಡಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಪತ್ತೇದಾರರು Kutuhali. Vigyan Prasar. June 2021.
  38. Seshadri K. S. (2020). Dismantling a misnomer, do fallen leaves litter? RoundGlass Sustain. August 2020.
  39. Seshadri K. S. (2020). An imagined Man-eater by the Bedthi River. Sanctuary Asia. July 2020.
  40. Seshadri K. S. (2020). Soubadra Devy. Upwards and Onwards. JLR Explore. April 2020.
  41. Seshadri K. S. and Spoorthy Raman (2020). ಕೊರೋನ ಮತ್ತು ಬಾವಲಿಯ ನಂಟು: ಬಾವಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊರಗಟ್ಟಬೇಕೇ?. Research Matters. April 2020.
  42. Seshadri K. S. (2020) Bats: The fall from Grace. Nature In Focus. April 2020.
  43. Seshadri K. S. (2020) Bats in the time of corona. Deccan Herald. April 2020.
  44. Seshadri K. S. (2019). An improbable hunt. JLR Explore. November 2019
  45. Seshadri K. S. (2019). A glimpse into the Amphibian world. Sanctuary Asia. October 2019.
  46. Seshadri K. S. (2019). In search of the bamboo breeding frog. JLR Explore. September 2019.
  47. Seshadri K. S. (2019). ಹಾವಿಗೆ ಹಾಯ್ ಹೇಳಿ. Prajaa Vaani. July 2019.
  48. Seshadri K. S. (2019). Vipers of Karnataka. JLR Explore. July 2019.
  49. Seshadri K. S. (2018). A Night in the Life of a Frog and a Frog Biologist. Current Conservation, December 2018.
  50. Seshadri K. S. (2018). Doting dads and marauding males: The story of parental care behaviour in Raorchestes chalazodes. Sanctuary Asia, December 2018.
  51. Seshadri. K. S & Gururaja. K. V. (2018). Karaavali Skittering frog: The frog that sounds like a Kingfisher. JLR Explore. March 2018.
  52. Seshadri. K. S (2017). The final leap. JLR Explore. November 2017.
  53. Seshadri. K. S. and Vidisha M. K (2017). Gururaja KV: Amphibian Affairs. JLR Explore. July 2017.
  54. Seshadri. K. S and Vidisha M. K (2017). Why I chose a green wedding. January 2017
  55. Seshadri. K. S (2016). Rhachophorus lateralis–crafty tree frog. JLR Explore. August 2016.
  56. Seshadri. K. S (2016). ಡ್ರೊಸೆರಾ ಎಂಬ ಕೇಟಾಹಾರಿ ಸಸ್ಯ Prajaa Vaani. June 2016
  57. Seshadri. K. S (2016). ವಿದ್ಯುತ್ ಇಲ್ಲದೆ ಬೆಳಕು ಸಾಧ್ಯವೇ Prajaa Vaani. June 2016
  58. Seshadri. K. S (2016). Ocean Wanderers- In search of Pelagic Birds. Sanctuary Asia. February 2016.
  59. Seshadri. K. S (2016). Torrent Toads of the Western Ghats. JLR Explore. January 2016.
  60. Seshadri. K. S (2014). Vanishing Voices – Frogs in our Urban Landscapes, JLR Explore. April 2014.
  61. Seshadri. K. S (2013). Lord of the Ravines. The Rock Eagle Owls of Pondicherry. Sanctuary Asia. December 2013.
  62. Seshadri. K. S (2013). Vanishing Voices of Our Cities. Sanctuary Asia. February 2013.
  63. Abhiseka K., Seshadri. K. S., Prashanth. M.B., Ganesh. T., (2012). Agasthyamalai Landscape: Land of Mountains, Wetlands and Biodiversity. Sanctuary Asia. August 2012.
  64. Seshadri. K. S (2012). Kodayar by Night, Sanctuary Asia. February 2012.