User:Tom Worthington
Tom Worthington is an IT consultant and has been an expert witness in several court cases involving international patent, computer, web and Internet issues, as well as advising governments and companies on computer problems. He is a course designer and teacher for vocational and postgraduate university courses on green ICT, the design of web sites, e-commerce and professional ethics. In 1999 he was elected a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society for his contribution to the development of public Internet policy.
In addition, Tom has an interest in architecture, environmental design, energy and water saving technology. His text book "Green Technology Strategies" is used by university courses in Australia and North America. He has been invited as a guest lecturer on the effects of ICT on urban design and smart apartment design in European and Australian institutions.
Tom is author of the book Net Traveller and information technology professional, with 23 years experience. He writes about buying and selling on the net, e-commerce, net business, people using the Internet and travel.
Tom is a Certified Professional, past president, Fellow and Honorary Life Member of the Australian Computer Society, a voting member of the Association for Computing Machinery and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.