Viola mirabilis
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- English: wonder violet
- مصرى: فيولا ميرابيليس
- беларуская: Фіялка дзіўная
- български: удивителна теменуга
- čeština: violka divotvárná
- dansk: Forskelligblomstret viol
- Deutsch: Wunder-Veilchen
- eesti: Imekannike
- suomi: lehto-orvokki
- français: Violette admirable
- hornjoserbsce: Spodźiwna fijałka
- 日本語: イブキスミレ
- lietuvių: Puošnioji našlaitė
- norsk bokmål: krattfiol
- Nederlands: wonderviooltje
- polski: Fiołek przedziwny
- русский: Фиалка удивительная
- davvisámegiella: Imašviola
- svenska: Underviol
- українська: Фіалка дивовижна
- 中文: 奇异堇菜, 美丽堇菜
- 中文(中国大陆): 美丽堇菜
- 中文(简体): 奇异堇菜, 伊吹堇菜
- 中文(繁體): 美麗堇菜
- 中文(香港): 美麗堇菜
- 中文(新加坡): 美丽堇菜
- 中文(臺灣): 美麗堇菜
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: eudicots • Cladus: core eudicots • Cladus: superrosids • Cladus: rosids • Cladus: eurosids I • Cladus: COM • Ordo: Malpighiales • Familia: Violaceae • Genus: Viola (Violaceae) • Species: Viola mirabilis L. (1753)
Viola mirabilis in the spring in Finland.
Viola mirabilis in the spring in Finland.
Viola mirabilis flower in the spring in Finland.
Viola mirabilis flower in the spring in Finland.
Frühjahrsform: Blüte
Frühjahrsform: Habitus
Frühjahrsform: Sporn
Frühjahrsform: Stängel
Frühjahrsform: Blatt
Sommerform: Blatt mit steriler Blüte
Sommerform: Sterile Blüte
Sommerform: Blätter
Whole plant
Whole plant
Stipules of rosette-leaves
Stipules of rosette-leaves
Stem with petioles and stipules
Stem with petioles and stipules
Stem with petiole and stipules
Petiole with hairs only on bottom side
Petiole with hairs only on bottom side
Rosette-flower (opened)
Flower of aerial stem
var. subglabra
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan
Aizu area, Fukushima pref., Japan