Water pollution
Agricultural pollution
Runoff from a field in Iowa, USA (1999)
Farm stream without conservation buffers, Iowa, USA (1999)
Sediment runoff from farm, southeastern Iowa, USA (2011)
Topsoil runoff from farm, central Iowa, USA (2011)
Construction site pollution
Construction site runoff, Davidson, North Carolina, USA (2009)
Construction site runoff entering the Chattahoochee River, Georgia, USA (2014)
Deteriorating water infrastructure
Sanitary sewer overflow in Rhode Island, USA (2006)
Sewer overflow, Johannesburg, South Africa (2006)
Flotables (trash pollution)
Pollution in the Lachine Canal, Montreal, Canada
Chattahoochee River, USA (1972)
Marine debris
Floating trash, Lucerne, Switzerland (2010)
Trash pollution, Kathmandu, Nepal
Industrial waste
Chemical plant pollution, Olentangy River, Ohio, USA (1974)
Thermal pollution, Kanawha River, West Virginia, USA (1974)
Heated water (thermal pollution) flowing out of Potrero Generating Station, San Francisco, California (2008)
Coir industry waste, India (2011)
Petroleum waste from natural gas wells, Bayou Segnette, Louisiana, USA (1972)
Seafood processing waste discharged into town harbor, Sitka, Alaska (2003)
Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill, USA (2008)(Aerial view)
Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill, USA (2008)(1 mile downstream from plant)
Paper mill pollution, Maine, USA (1973)
Mine drainage
Lousal Mine, Grândola, Portugal (2008)
Water colored by iron, Rio Tinto, Spain
Runoff from an abandoned mine enters the Bucktail River in Idaho, USA (1996)
Jerome, Arizona, USA (1992)
Clay quarry waste, Devon, England (2008)
Miscellaneous pollution sources and impacts
Pumping of highly toxic (dark black) sludge
North Jakarta Slums, Indonesia (2004)
Lemna algae, Maracaibo, Venezuela (2007)
River with sediment, USA
Pollution, Toulouse, France (2008)
Pollution, Toulouse, France (2008)
Untreated sewage, Rio Guaíba, Brazil
Shoreline of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, contaminated by Lemna minor (duckweed) due to nutrient pollution
sea water
Oil pollution
[Bearbeiten]See also: oil spill
Oil and water on a road
Diesel spill on a road
Impact of oil spill from Amoco Cadiz grounding (1978)
Oil sheen on Sandogardy Pond, Northfield, New Hampshire, USA (2008)
Aerial photo of oil pollution from petroleum refineries and storage facilities along Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela (infrared photography)
Diagrams, illustrations of water pollution
Indian Ocean, october 1997
Natural ground cover - impervious ground cover
Faroe stamp illustrating sea pollution
Faroe stamp illustating sea pollution
Ballast water pollution from ships
Illustration of a combined sewer system