Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2018/Winners
(Redirected from Wiki Loves Earth 2018 winners)

English: This gallery contains the country/region finalists and winners of the international stage of Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Español: Esta galería contiene a los finalistas y ganadores del país/región de la etapa internacional de Wiki Loves Earth 2018 .
Français : Cette galerie contient les finalistes nationaux/régionaux et les gagnants internationaux de Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Italiano: Questa galleria raccoglie le foto finaliste a livello nazionale e le vincitrici della fase internazionale di Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Latviešu: Šajā galerijā iekļauti 2018. gada konkursa „Dabas skati Vikipēdijā” valstu/reģiona finālisti un starptautiskā posma uzvarētāji..
Português: Esta galeria contém os finalistas de cada país ou região e os vencedores da fase internacional do Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Shqip: Kjo galeri do të përmbajë finalistët për çdo vend si dhe fituesit e fazës ndërkombëtare të Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Svenska: Det här galleriet visar finalister och vinnare från landstävlingarna i Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Ελληνικά: Αυτή η γκαλερί θα περιέχει τη χώρα/περιοχή με τους υποψήφιους και τους νικτές του διεθνούς σταδίου του διαγωνισμού Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Русский: Фотогалерея финалистов страны/региона и победителей международного этапа конкурса Wiki Loves Earth 2018.
Українська: Галерея фіналістів країн/регіону та переможців міжнародної частини фотоконкурсу Wiki Loves Earth 2018
ქართული: ქვეყნების მიხედვით ფინალისტების სურათების გალერეა, კონკურს Wiki Loves Earth 2018-ის საერთაშორისო ეტაპზე.
中文(臺灣): 本頁面包含2018年維基愛地球中進入國際決選階段的各國/地區作品。
العربية : يتضمن المعرض الصور المؤهلة من المسابقات المحلية للمنافسة في المسابقة العالمية بالإضافة إلى الصور الفائزة في المسابقة العالمية ويكي تهوى الأرض 2018.
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Bell Island of Franz Josef Land Ilya Timin
Satchari National Park, Bangladesh Abdul Momin
Hoggar National Park, Assekrem, Tamanrasset, Algeria Mohammed Amri
Autumn at its boom in the valley of Hunza, Gojal Conservancy, Pakistan Nasr Rahman
Swamp cypress (Taxodium distichum) near Sukko, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Aleksandr Horoshilov
Sunset in Baixa Grande, an oasis in the middle of National Park Lençóis Maranhenses Brunonogaki
The wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola) is a small wader at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park Abdul Momin
Walruses lying on Northbrook Island. Russian Arctic National Park Ilya Timin
The shore of Elton Salt Lake, Volgograd Oblast, Russia Medvedevphoto (Владимир Медведев)
Gypaetus barbatus in flight. Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy Luca Casale
Chestnut-tailed starling, Satchari National Park, Bangladesh Md shahanshah bappy
Phoenicopterus roseus at the lake of Tunis, Tunisia El Golli Mohamed
Tassili n’Ajjer National Park, Algeria Nabil Chettouh
Meteora rock formation with monasteries on top of them, Greece Stathis Floros
Purple Nymphaeaceae, commonly called 'water lilies' with fly at Baldha Garden.
Photograph: Azim Khan Ronnie -
Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO Global Geoparks
A picture of Encephalartos Natalensis plant found in Limbe botanical garden in the South West Region of Cameroon.
Photograph: Yeluma Ntali -
Paysage routier à Makak dans le Nyong Ekellé, région du Centre au Cameroun.
Photograph: Photokadaffi -
Sur cette photo deux réalités, la terre et la mer la création du jeune trouve un obstacle faut il prendre la voie par la nage immigrer pour poursuivre son rêve?.
Photograph: Simbanematick -
Cette image représente une case de l'aire géographique du Nord, reproduite à la Fondation Jean Félicien Gacha à Bangoulap, dans la région de l'Ouest.
Photograph: Mouenthias -
Les gravures rupestres du site archéologique de Bidzar, situées sur la route nationale numéro 1 entre Figuil et Maroua. Gravures ayant plusieurs siècles d'existences.
Photograph: 2ddanga -
A close shot of the Stinkhorn mushroom growing on the fertile soils of the Mount Cameroon national park.
Photograph: Atabong Armstrong -
Cette image représente un cours d'eau au quartier Madagascar à Douala avalée par la pollution plastique.
Photograph: Mouenthias
A pier at a campsite at Sidney Spit on Sidney Island, part of Gulf Islands National Park Reserve in British Columbia
Photograph: Michal Klajban -
View of the Athabasca Glacier and Mount Athabasca in Jasper National Park in Alberta
Photograph: Fresh.waffles -
A slug eating a mushroom in the forest of Mount Seymour Provincial Park in British Columbia
Photograph: Trougnouf -
Sunrise at Pehoé Lake
Photograph: Mpazmarzolo -
Torres del Paine from Los Cuernos viewpoint
Photograph: Natalia Órdenes -
Fjord before accesing Balmaceda Glacier
Photograph: Reginaldo Galhardo Martins -
Trees in Magallanes Nature Reserve
Photograph: Joaquín Rebolledo Aladro -
Crack detail in the Grey Glacier
Photograph: Loreto Quijada -
Desert bloom in Lauca National Park
Photograph: Chang Hyon Lee -
Conguillío National Park
Photograph: Jason Guevara Jaramillo
Vallée des Merveilles ("valley of marvels") in the Mercantour National Park, by Anthony Graizely
Great cormorant and grey heron in the regional natural reserve "Moselle sauvage", by Musicaline
river in the Cirque de Gavarnie, by Moahim
Frozen lake near the Aiguille de la Bérangère, by JC Foltete
Calanque of En-Vau, Marseille, by Aurélien Saue
Sunrise from the Pic du Midi, by AntoineJoub
National natural reserve "Lilleau des Niges", Isle of Ré, by Yann Werdefroy
Back country skiing at the "cime de la Lombarde", by Harvic06
Reed bed in the national natural reserve "delta de la Sauer", by Colsu
Fishing lift net at the national natural reserve "la baie de l'Aiguillon", by Gasne AC
Kintrishi Protected Area is located in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.
Photographer: Paata vardanashvili -
Algeti National Park is a protected area in Georgia, in the southeast of the country.
Photographer: Paata vardanashvili -
Juta — village in Kazbegi Municipality. Located on the southern slope of the main ridge of Kavkasioni. Kazbegi National Park.
Photographer: Saba sakhvadze -
Kintrishi Protected Area is located in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.
Photographer: Paata vardanashvili -
Datvisjvari — pass in Georgia, in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, in Dusheti municipality. Located at the main watershed ridge of the Caucasus, 2676 m above sea level. It is made up of jurassic clays. Alpine meadows are decorated.
Photographer: Anri137
Laubfrosch (Hyla arborea) im Naturschutzgebiet „Weiherkette bei Oberreichenbach“ (Landkreis Fürth).
Photograph: THAWonderland -
Eine Erdkröte im Schilf am Illmensee, Landschaftsschutzgebiet „Illmensee, Ruschweiler See und Volzer See“.
Photograph: BenPfulli -
Spatz am Schwanenteich in Waldenburg in Sachsen, Landschaftsschutzgebiet „Mulden- und Chemnitztal“.
Photograph: Kora27 -
Im Landschaftsschutzgebiet „Altwarmbüchener Moor“ (LSG H-S 11) ist die Wiedervernässung so erfolgreich, dass Birken und Kiefern allmählich absterben oder schon abgestorben sind.
Photograph: Puusterke -
Heute „Bär“, früher „Todstein“ genannter Felsen aus Zechsteinkalk im FFH-Gebiet „Meißner und Meißner Vorland“ im „Geo-Naturpark Frau-Holle-Land“.
Photograph: Heinz K. S. -
Der Moorwald am Rand des Torfmoorgebiets im Naturschutzgebiet „Kaltenhofer Moor“, FFH-Gebiet „Naturwald Stodthagen und angrenzende Hochmoore“.
Photograph: Stefan Koehler MD
Tislit Gorges, Taliouine by Nawfal Kharbach
Cathedral Mountain, Tilouguite by Nawfal Kharbach
Seagull, Ras El Ma cape by Farajiibrahim
Lesser black-backed gull, Essaouira by CEllen
White pelicans, Rabat zoo by Farajiibrahim
Snow mounatin at night by WasJL
Toubkal National Park by Twhrl
Lalla Fatna Beach, Safi by Fatimaezzahra88
Dune, Merzouga by Kdouri omar
Bhairab kunda is the second lake in the region of Goasikunda. The Kunda is located in Sindhupalchok district of Nepal at an altitude of 4,240 m (13,910 ft).
© Ummidnp -
Rock Formations at Moshra Gardens, Okeho by Dolapo805
Eieke, Olumirin Water Falls, Erin Ijesha by Jesu-loba
Sunset at River Benue by Agbendeh Simon
Idanre Hills by Ayobami Macaulay
Erin ijesa waterfall by Tosin1111
Watersided Hill of Ikole Town, Ekiti State by Tijae07
After rainfall in Afe babalola university, Ado-Ekiti,Ekiti state ,Nigeria by Kiyah Kiara
Brothers at Dusk by Obii Okongwu
Ethiope River by Aghogho Otega
Abeokuta Forest Nursery by Royreal
Osmeña Peak overlooking Tañon Strait and Mount Kanlaon, Negros Island.
Photograph: Tyrll Adolf Itong -
Palawan, One of the Game and Refuge Sanctuaries which was established in 1967 in the Philippines.
Photograph: Theglennpalacio
Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) watching you. Terpey-Tumus, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.
Photograph: Кирилл Уютнов -
Bell Island of the Franz Josef Land and Eira Lodge of the Benjamin Leigh Smith expedition, Russian Arctic National Park.
Photograph: Timinilya -
Muskox on the Bolshoy Begichev Island in Laptev Sea. Natural monument Terpey-Tumus, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.
Photograph: Кирилл Уютнов -
The shore of the lake in the caldera of Golovnin volcano. Kurils Nature Reserve.
Photograph: Екатерина Васягина
South Korea
Seongsan Sunrise Peak
by Sukkim1996 -
Sobaeksan National Park
by Potoak -
Seongsan Sunrise Peak
by Ajebulon -
Sobaeksan National Park
by Wakoch -
Upo Wetland
by 최옥석
Sicao Mangrove Green Tunnel
By Yhow41 -
Gaomei Wetlands Wildlife Refuge
By 謝秉剛 (Hsieh, Bing-gang) -
Sunrise in Jiaming Lake
By Awoisoak -
Three African sacred ibis in Hsiangshan wetland
By Yehct -
Sunrise at low tide seaside,Kenting National Park
By Xavier Berlioux -
Eluanbi Lighthouse under starry sky
By Afakt -
Snow scene of Chila Mountain
By x917052x (Liao, Kun-sheng)
อุทยานแห่งชาติดอยอินทนนท์, by BerryJ
อุทยานแห่งชาติทองผาภูมิ, by Tirajit Chaisombat
อุทยานแห่งชาติไทรทอง, by KOSIN SUKHUM
อุทยานแห่งชาติแจ้ซ้อน, by BerryJ
อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาแหลม, by KOSIN SUKHUM
แบ่งปัน, by รัชพงศ์ ดีมาก
จุดชมวิวกิ่วแม่ปาน อุทยานแห่งชาติดอยอินทนนท์ จ.เชียงใหม่, by Nopparat thanatawan
อุทยานแห่งชาติแหลมสน, by Chaiyathat
อุทยานแห่งชาติทองผาภูมิ, by Tirajit Chaisombat
The rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous by User:Balkhovitin
On the top of Smotrych Mountain by User:Alexkrol
Shpytsi peak in Chornohora mountain range in Western Ukraine by User:Ryzhkov Oleksandr
Mangup Mountain in Crimea by User:Vian
Reserve forest in Zakarpattia Oblast by User:Misha Reme
Carpathian National Nature Park by User:Сергій Мірошник