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العربية: دائرة البروج
Български: Зодиакални знаци
Čeština: Zvěrokruh, zvířetník
Dansk: Stjernetegn
Deutsch: Tierkreiszeichen
English: The Zodiac is a band of the celestial sphere close to the ecliptic which contains the apparent path of the Sun, the Moon and the principal planets.
Español: Zodiaco
Français : Le Zodiaque est le nom du trajet du Soleil (ainsi que des planètes) dans les cieux. Il est traditionnellement divisé en douze constellations correspondant à douze signes.
Hrvatski: Astrološki znakovi
Italiano: Zodiaco
Nederlands: Dierenriem
Polski: Zodiak
Português: Zodíaco
Русский: Зодиак
Svenska: Zodiaken
Українська: Зодіак

Simple display set


The uncommon Ophiuchus and rare Cetus are included.

Text style


Capped ends. Graphic variants are provided for Capricornus and Cancer.

Simple bold


Bold outline


Heavy blue for small display size


Ruling-planet colors


15th-century set


Wisconsin State Capitol set


Jaipur set, 18th century


Amiens set


Church of Saint-Austremoine set


