Stamps of the Kingdom of Hanover

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Postage Stamps issued by the Kingdom of Hanover, in the period 1850 - 1864,[1] before its incorporation in the Kingdom of Prussia.

Issues for internal use - Inland Ausgaben


Watermark (rectangle).

1850 (1 December)




1851 (30 July)


Watermark with oak leaves.

Issues for use within the Universal Postal Union - Postvereinausgaben


Two currencies (Hannover and Prussia).

1851 (21 July)




1853 (15 April)


3 Pfennige

1855 (December)


Narrow network in underprint



Network of large underground meshes



1859 (15 February) King Georg V of Hannover




1860-1863 issues


March 1864


Perforated (durchstochen) 16.

The validity of the postage stamps of Hanover expired on 31 October 1866, after a short period of authorized mixed use with stamps of Prussia.

Notes and references

  1. Michel-Deutschland Katalog, 1994.