Category:Matrix theory

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English: In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices) is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. The individual items in a matrix are called its elements or entries. An example of a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns is
<nowiki>teoría de Matrices; théorie des matrices; Maatriksite teooria; teoria matricial; Matrizentheorie; teoria de matrizes; 矩陣理論; teorija matrik; 行列論; теория матриц; 矩阵理论; teoria macierzy; теорія матриць; matrixtheorie; 矩陣理論; Matrix theory; teoria delle matrici; 矩陣理論; matrix theory; matrica teorio; teorie matic; matrix theory; area of mathematics, part of linear algebra; obor matematiky, část lineární algebry; une branche des mathématiques qui concerne l'étude des matrices; area of mathematics, part of linear algebra; teoria de Matrices; Matrix-Theorie; algèbre matricielle; pratique des matrices; theorie des matrices; teoria matricial; matrix algebra; 矩阵理论; 矩阵论; maticová algebra; матричная алгебра; алгебра матриц</nowiki>
matrix theory 
area of mathematics, part of linear algebra
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oznaka Narodne biblioteke Češke: ph135433
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Prikazane su 3 potkategorije, od ukupno 3.


Datoteke u kategoriji "Matrix theory"

Ova kategorija ima slijedeću 31 datoteku.