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English: Perennial herbaceous or woody plants showing behavioural adaptions to regular fires, in particularly those in which flowering are dependent on fire. Also included here are woody plants with unusual resistance to fire because of exceptionally thick bark. Not identical with pyrophilous plants, which grow or thrive on burned or fired substrata, or those that employ pyriscence for seed dispersal.
<nowiki>planta pirófila; パイロファイト; pyrophyte; пирофиты; Pyrofil art; pirofit; пірофіти; pyrofyt; piròfit; pyrophyte; Pyrophyt; Pirófito; пірафіты; pirofito; 耐火植物; pirofit; огнестойкие растения; Pflanzen die an die Einwirkung von Feuer angepasst sind; fire resistant plants; рослини пристосувалися до дії вогню; plantes résistant au feu; planta pirofila; pyrophile; pyrophile plants; pyrofit; pirofity; Pyrophyten; пирофильные растения; пирофит</nowiki>
Pflanzen die an die Einwirkung von Feuer angepasst sind
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  • ecological group of plants
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