Category:Streets in Singapore

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Place here images of small streets in Singapore.

If, in addition to showing a certain street, an image has some other interesting feature such as a bridge, a shophouse or a named building, please add an appropriate category for that feature to the image, such as "Category:Bridges in Singapore", "Category:Shophouses in Singapore" or "Category:The Fullerton Hotel Singapore".

Where there are two or more images of the same street, please create a subcategory for the street. Follow the following instructions:

  • Place images of major roads and expressways in "Category:Roads in Singapore".
  • Place single images of identifiable or unidentifiable streets in this main category.


Es werden 180 von insgesamt 180 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:
In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D)





Medien in der Kategorie „Streets in Singapore“

Folgende 128 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 128 insgesamt.