Category:Wines of Portugal

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<nowiki>vino portoghese; Portugália borászata; Виноделие в Португалии; Weinbau in Portugal; Vinhos portugueses; 葡萄牙葡萄酒; Vin portughez; ポルトガルワイン; Viticulture au Portugal; vinos de Portugal; Portugisiska viner; Wina portugalskie; portugisisk vin; wijnbouw in Portugal; პორტუგალიური ღვინო; Португальське вино; vi de Portugal; 포르투갈 포도주; Portuguese wine; portugala vino; Portekiz şarabı; portugalsko vino; wine of Portugal; uma sucessão de civilizações deixaram suas marcas; wine of Portugal; Vinuri portugheze; ポルトガルのワイン; Vinhos de Portugal; Portugese wijn; Vino Verde; Vinho Verde</nowiki>
wijnbouw in Portugal 
wine of Portugal
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  • Portugal
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Wikidata Q1754670
LCAuth-identificatiecode: sh2010118615
BnF-identificatiecode: 12570791t
BNCF Thesaurus-identificatiecode: 67576
BabelNet-identificatiecode: 00904906n
JGU-identificatiecode van de Nationale Bibliotheek van Israël: 987007585926505171
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Deze categorie bevat de volgende 14 subcategorieën, van de 14 in totaal.