Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/R1/30 Doradus, Tarantula Nebula.jpg

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  Picture of the Year 2012
   The Seventh Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
Thanks for your participation! The 2012 winners have been announced!

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No. {{{3}}}, 30 Doradus, Tarantula Nebula.jpg

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  1. Max Ryazanov
  2. Shizhao
  3. Йо Асакура
  4. Evil Russian
  5. Xil
  6. Bluerasberry
  7. Érico Júnior Wouters
  8. Michael Barera
  9. Nihonjoe
  10. Dvl007
  11. Diannaa
  12. Frakir
  13. AlexiusHoratius
  14. Jonahman10
  15. Mrjohncummings
  16. Kiamlaluno
  17. SchellZ
  18. Schneider Ludwig
  19. Yhz1221
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  22. Elemented9
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  24. 如沐西风
  25. Solfeo957
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  32. Юстэс Кларенс
  33. 白布飘扬
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  105. J.-H. Janßen
  106. Willscrlt
  107. AdamBMorgan
  108. Abderitestatos
  109. Ninmacer20
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  111. Wagino 20100516
  112. Shibo77
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  114. Ö
  115. Neo lmx
  116. Harlock81
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  118. Seven twentynine
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  120. EEMIV
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  123. Nasser-sadeghi
  124. Forty Seven Nine
  125. Matvey
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  127. Gabriel VanHelsing
  128. Roly Williams
  129. Uhuthebird
  130. P.gibellini
  131. Karthikndr
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  134. Maarten Jansen
  135. Zyephyrus
  136. Zoeperkoe
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  138. Avala
  139. Handsome128
  140. Сергей Сазанков
  141. Hsarrazin
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  143. Loadmaster
  144. Shashwat986
  145. The High Fin Sperm Whale
  146. DrPZ
  147. Mariya Kamran
  148. LacsiraxAriscal
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  150. Bobamnertiopsis
  151. VanderGomes
  152. Axeldarkdreamer
  153. Sctechlaw
  154. Gareth
  155. Aaron Rotenberg
  156. Phoenix PNX
  157. Wer900
  158. Neta90
  159. RayneVanDunem
  160. Zeppelin26
  161. Erhfb
  162. Sylda31
  163. Piotrus
  164. 애콜라이트
  165. Suwa
  166. Jayadevp13
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