File talk:Asian enrollment at Ivy League schools, 1980–2011.svg

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SVG Chart

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<title>plain text svg graphic</title>
  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
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  ----------------&#13; The Myth of American Meritocracy: Quantitative Sources and Methods, by Ron Unz, November 21, 2012, "Appendix C: Racial and Ethnic Enrollments at Elite Universities", summarizing data from the National Center for Education Statistics

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Source data[edit]

Asian enrollment percentage by year, from The Myth of American Meritocracy: Quantitative Sources and Methods, by Ron Unz, November 21, 2012, "Appendix C: Racial and Ethnic Enrollments at Elite Universities", summarizing data from the National Center for Education Statistics

Year	Harvard	Yale	Princeton	Columbia	Brown	Cornell	Dartmouth	Penn	Caltech	MIT	Stanford	Berkeley
1980	4.1	5.6	3.2	9.7	3.8	6.4	1.6	3.8	12	5.3	6.3	21.7
1984	6.9	6.8	4.8	12.5	5.9	10.1	1.9	5.7	18.7	13.5	7.4	24.6
1986	9	7.8	7.1	12.8	7.2	11.5	3.6	7.3	21.4	15.8	9.8	25.5
1988	10.8	9.7	7.6	14.1	8.6	13.6	5.6	9.3	22.4	17.9	13.7	27.8
1990	10.9	14.1	9.6	16.2	10.9	15	6.3	12.6	22.1	21.2	18.4	30.4
1991	16.1	15.6	10.1	18.4	12.7	16.6	6.4	14.5	22.7	23	20.2	31.7
1992	19.1	16.1	9.4	19.9	14	17.7	7.1	15.9	25.2	25.5	22.2	35.9
1993	20.6	16.8	9.9	22.7	14.8	19.2	8.3	17.1	26.9	27.3	23.6	39.1
1994	18.3	15.6	10.5	19.5	15.2	20.1	8.5	17.8	29.8	28	24.6	38.9
1995	18.4	16.1	11.3	18.4	15.3	20.9	8.7	18.1	29.1	29.1	23.8	39.4
1996	17.5	16.8	12.1	16.3	15.6	20.4	8.7	17.9	27.6	28.5	23.9	39.9
1997	17.4	16.5	12.8	14.7	15.3	20.6	9.1	17.9	27.4	28.3	24.1	39.7
1998	17	16.1	12.9	13.9	15.2	19.7	10.2	18.5	24.1	28.4	23.5	39.8
1999	17.2	14.6	12.3	12.6	14.7	19.9	9.8	19.2	24.3	27.7	24	39.9
2000	17.1	14.5	12.3	13.5	14.9	19.8	10.2	19	24.9	27.5	24.5	40.9
2001	16.4	13.8	12.1	13.6	14.5	19.7	10.5	19.5	24.5	27.8	24.7	41.3
2002	16.3	13.5	12.2	14.2	13.7	19.8	11.6	18.4	27.2	27.4	24.5	42.3
2003	16.2	13.4	12.9	16.3	13.6	16.4	12.2	16.8	31.1	28.2	25.2	41.7
2004	17.1	13.6	13	16.4	13.5	16.3	13.4	17.6	31.1	27.8	24.3	41.5
2005	17.6	13.6	13.1	16.7	13.7	15.9	13.5	17.2	33	26.6	24.2	41.9
2006	14.3	13.5	13.6	17.2	13.9	16.1	13.4	17.6	37.4	26.5	24.2	41.8
2007	15.4	13.7	14.1	17.2	15.3	16.2	13.6	16.8	38.1	25.9	24.2	42.2
2008	16.7	13.8	15	16.9	15.9	16.5	13.6	17.3	39.8	25.4	23	42
2009	17	14.3	15.7	16.3	15.4	16.6	14.5	17.8	39.9	25	23.1	40.8
2010	15.6	14.2	16.9	15.7	14.6	16.1	14.5	17.9	39.4	23.9	17.9	38.7
2011	17.2	15.2	17.6	15.6	13.5	16.4	14	18.3	38.8	24	18.2	37.1