File talk:US Federal Debt Projection to 2080.svg

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SVG Chart

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generator: wikimedia.svg.chart, 2013-08-28 -->
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<!-- also a workaround for librsvg: a <rect> must be placed somewhere before text for a good display of text -->
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<title>plain text svg graphic</title>
  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
  Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor.
  ----------------&#13; All values are scaled by 10. This is necessary to keep the lines from turning into ribbons.

<style id="styles" type="text/css"> <![CDATA[
  .graphgeneral {         /*-- general look of graphs and markers, e.g. in legend --*/
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<!-- graph 2 -->
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Factual accuracy[edit]

While this chart is simply impossible to have happen in reality, it is a projection of the debt that was provided by the GAO, basically showing what would happen if taxes were not increased. At a targeted 2% inflation, by 2080 the publicly held debt is $2097 trillion by 2080 and $568 in 2014 dollars. Public debt would be 775.2% of GDP and interest on that debt 37.7% of GDP. The chart can not be used as a projection of what the debt will be in the United States, but can be used as a projection of what the debt would be if taxes were not increased. Delphi234 (talk) 14:03, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]