Category:America is the Great Satan

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<nowiki>Gran Satán; Satan; Satan Handi; Большой сатана; Grande Satã; Great Satan; شیطان بزرگ; Големият Сатана; Büyük Şeytan; השטן הגדול; Böyük şeytan; Granda Satano; شەیتانی گەورە; Suuri Saatana; Great Satan; الشيطان الأكبر; Gran Satán; Veliki Satan; pridevek, ki ga za Združene države Amerike uporablja Iran; epithet used by the Iranian government, referring to the United States; כינוי גנאי איראני לארה"ב; epiphet used by the Iranian government, referring to the United States; epíteto depreciativo para os Estados Unidos; epithet used by the Iranian government, referring to the United States; nomo por Usono, uzita de Irana registaro; Gobierno nacional de los Estados Unidos; شعار حکومتی جمهوری اسلامی; Gran Satan; Grand satan; Petit Satan; Mère de Satan; Satan; Satanova mati</nowiki>
epithet used by the Iranian government, referring to the United States
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  • 5 novembre 1979
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Média dans la catégorie « America is the Great Satan »

Cette catégorie comprend 2 fichiers, dont les 2 ci-dessous.