Category:Art lost in Poland during World War II

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Art lost in Poland during World War II
The looting of art in Poland was prepared since 1937.[1] Professor Dagobert Frey, who led the "research" in Poland, was responsible for the inventory of works of art that could be looted by the Germans after the invasion.[2] In 1939 Kajetan Mühlmann was appointed the Special Representative for the registration and securing of artistic and cultural treasures in Poland.[3]



  1. a b c (1945) Warszawa oskarża (Warsaw accuses), Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki i Ministerstwo Odbudowy Kraju, S. 44
  2. a b c Bernard Newman (1946) Russia's neighbour: the new Poland, V. Gollancz ltd, S. 115
  3. a b c Günther Haase (2008) Kunstraub und Kunstschutz, BoD – Books on Demand, S. 203 ISBN: 38-33489-75-8.
    Sonderbeauftragte für die Erfassung und Sicherung der Kunst- und Kulturschätze

<nowiki>第二次世界大戦におけるポーランドの略奪; Penjarahan warisan budaya Polandia selama Perang Dunia II; Grabież polskich dóbr kultury w czasie II wojny światowej; World War II looting of Poland; Λεηλασία στη Πολωνία κατά τον Β΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο; World War II looting of Poland; نهب بولندا في الحرب العالمية الثانية; 纳粹对波兰的劫掠; Пљачка Пољске у Другом светском рату; 歴史上の出来事; aspect of history; aspect of history; аспект історії; ইতিহাসের বিভিন্ন দিক</nowiki>
World War II looting of Poland 
aspect of history
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  • NS-Staat
  • Sowjetunion
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