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English: The term bikeway (cycleway in UK) refers to a road (UK) or path (USA), for cyclists only, on its own separate right of way (segregated cycle facilities). The USA equivalents include bike trails or mountain-bike trails, which are unsurfaced trails, and bike paths, which are surfaced trails which meet more rigorous standards for width, grade and accessibility. Sometimes, pedestrians and cyclists are expected to share the same road or path. Such a shared facility is often called a shared-use path, multi-use path, or recreational path (See the category: Shared bikeways.)
Français : Une piste cyclable est une section de chaussée spécifique dévolue exclusivement aux cyclistes. Elle est matériellement isolée des voies de circulation des véhicules motorisés, et distincte des trottoirs en ville.
Español: La ciclovía, bicisenda, carril bici o cicloruta es una senda o camino para bicicletas físicamente aislada de los carriles de circulación de vehículos motorizados.
Deutsch: Ein Radweg, auf dem nur Radverkehr zulässig ist. Es können auch Trails, auf unbefestigten Wegen, gemeint sein.
<nowiki>ciclovia; Veloroute; працяглая роварная траса; Radfeernweg; Radwanderweg; ciclovia de longa distância; длинный веломаршрут; 长距离自行车路线; cykelrute; bisiklet yolu; サイクリングルート; ciclorrota de longa distânica; szlak rowerowy; cykelled; sykkelrute; sykkelrute; langeafstandsfietsroute; cyklistická trasa; dolga kolesarska pot; Vëlosstreck; véloroute; long-distance cycling route; ruta ciclista de larga distancia; cyklistická trasa; long-distance cycling route; figura de ruta turística en bicicleta; 自転車観光用に指定した専用道路。世界各地にある。通常は地元のサイクリング・ロードよりも距離が長い; itinéraire cyclable; designated cycling routes in various countries around the world for bicycle tourism, normally longer than local cycling paths; oznaczona trasa rowerowa wyznaczona z myślą o turystyce rowerowej; cykelväg med inriktning på cykelturister; Routenführung, die vorrangig dem Fahrradtourismus dient; tipo di itinerario; designated cycling routes in various countries around the world for bicycle tourism, normally longer than local cycling paths; Verbindungsweeër fir Cyclisten tëscht eenzelen Uertschaften; trasa pro cyklisty; rute der primært anvendes til cykling; 長距離サイクリングルート; véloroutes; Vëlospist; PC; trasa rowerowa; fietsroute; fietsverbinding; lange-afstandsfietsroute; Radroute; Radwanderroute; Radfernroute; Fernradroute; Radfernweg; Fernradweg; touristischer Radweg; Veloroute; Velowanderroute; Velofernroute; Fernveloroute; touristische Radroute; Fietsroute; cycling route; cycle trail; cycle path; bike route; роварная траса; cyklotrasa; cykloturistická trasa; cyklotrasa</nowiki>
long-distance cycling route 
designated cycling routes in various countries around the world for bicycle tourism, normally longer than local cycling paths
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