Category:Cathédrale Saint-Lazare d'Autun: Zodiac

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The zodiac borders the final judgment scene.

From left to right :

  • First three miniatures present:
    • a Sun (?) radiating wheat and leaves;
    • a man carrying wheat (?) and a mourning figure (?) (foresight vs. improvidence?);
    • a priest (?) and a naked figure (pious vs. irreligious?)
  • January (before Aquarius) : A peasant heats himself by a fire and cut a piece of bread.
  • February (between Aquarius and Pisces) : A peasant sitting on a chair heats himself by a fire.
  • March (between Pisces and Aries) : A man prunes a vine (or a tree?).
  • April (between Aries and Taurus) : (unclear) goats and sheep are led to the field (?) or fed (?)
  • May (between Taurus and Gemini) : A knight prepares for wartime expedition : leading or holding a horse (?), behind him a shield and a pennant hanging from a spear (chevalier banneret).
  • Solstice (between Gemini and Cancer) Sitting middle figure (of Christ?), ruling on the year and its cycle.
  • June (between Cancer and Leo) : A man picking (and eating) fruits from a tree.
  • July (between Leo and Virgo) : Wheat harvest. A man sharpens his scythe.
  • August (between Virgo and Libra) : Harvested wheat is beaten by a man with a flail.
  • September (between Libra and Scorpio) : Man pressing wine while harvesting it with his other hand.
  • October (between Scorpio and Sagittarius) : A man beats an oak tree to feed his pigs (droit de pasnage).
  • November (between Sagittarius and Capricorn) : A man picks and transports dead wood for wintertime.
  • December (below Capricorn) : Pig slaughter.

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