Category:Clerks of the United States House of Representatives

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<nowiki>Secretario de la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos; 事務官; Clerk of the United States House of Representatives; Clerk of the United States House of Representatives; 美國眾議院執事官; Inpiegà de ła Càmara dei Raprezentanti dei Stati Unii; kanslist i USA:s representanthus; funcionario de la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos; the chief record-keeper of the House; the chief record-keeper of the House; Clerk of the House; アメリカ合衆国下院書記官; 美國眾議院秘書</nowiki>
Clerk of the United States House of Representatives 
the chief record-keeper of the House
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Wikidata Q5131884
LCAuth-Kennung: n50080788
NKČR-AUT-Kennung: kn20140624003
J9U-Kennung der Israelischen Nationalbibliothek: 987007269262305171
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Medien in der Kategorie „Clerks of the United States House of Representatives“

Folgende 2 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 2 insgesamt.