Category:Formosa (Taiwan) 1:50,000 AMS Series L792

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English: Maps of Formosa (Taiwan) produced by the Army Map Service, United States Army Corps of Engineers, 1944-1945 (see also Political divisions of Taiwan (1895–1945)). Courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin. Includes at least 105 map sheets plus the index map; in total 106 maps. Location names in the maps are alphabetically indexed in "Gazetteer to Maps of Formosa (Taiwan) Map Series AMS L792, Scale 1:50,000". Listed by sheet number here. Some maps based on the Japanese Imperial Land Survey's 1927 1:50,000 maps of Taiwan: see page 281
Other maps[1] in the series that may have been produced:
2119-I, Tokatsukutsu, Formosa
2214-III, Daijurin-San, Formosa
2214-IV, Minami-Daibu-San, Formosa
2219-IV, Taiwan-Toyohara

Gazetteer To Maps Of Formosa (Taiwan) AMS L792

分类“Formosa (Taiwan) 1:50,000 AMS Series L792”中的媒体文件
