Category:Frédéric Martel

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English: Frédéric Martel (born 28 October 1967) is a French writer and journalist. Born in Châteaurenard (near Avignon), his most famous pieces of work are The Pink and the Black, Homosexuals in France since 1968 (trans. into English at Stanford University Press) and De la culture en Amérique, a book about cultural policies and industries in the United States, which was featured on the cover of the New York Times art section in 2006. NYT's journalist Alan Riding wrote : "In Culture in America, a 622-page tome weighty with information, Martel challenges the conventional view in France that (French) culture financed and organized by the government is entirely good and that (American) culture shaped by market forces is necessarily bad".
Français : Frédéric Martel est un écrivain et journaliste français né le 28 octobre 1967 à Châteaurenard (près d'Avignon). Il est plus particulièrement connu pour les ouvrages Le Rose et le noir : les homosexuels en France depuis 1968 (Seuil, 1996), De la Culture en Amérique (Gallimard, 2006) et plus récemment, Mainstream, Enquête sur cette culture qui plaît à tout le monde (Flammarion).
日本語: フレデリック・マルテル(、 1967年10月28日)は、フランスジャーナリスト社会学者。

<nowiki>Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Фредерик Мартель; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Фредерик Мартел; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; フレデリック・マルテル; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; فريديريك مارتيل; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; 프레데리크 마르텔; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frédéric Martel; Frederic Martel; sociologo e storico francese; フランスのジャーナリスト、社会学者; journaliste, sociologue et essayiste français; penulis, peneliti, dan wartawan Prancis; Frans journalist; Французский журналист, социолог и очеркист; ژورنالیست، نویسنده، و تاریخ‌نگار فرانسوی; französischer Soziologe, Autor und Journalist; 프랑스 언론인, 사회학자; journalist, essayist and sociologist; ֆրանսիացի գրող; френски журналист, социолог и писател; باحت; Frederic Martel; Frederic Martel; Frederic Martel; Frederic Martel</nowiki>
Frédéric Martel 
sociologo e storico francese
Carica un file multimediale
Nome nella lingua madre
  • Frédéric Martel
Data di nascita28 ottobre 1967
Paese di cittadinanza
Scuola frequentata
Direttore di tesi
Datore di lavoro
Membro di
Campo di lavoro
Lingua madre
Opere rilevanti
  • Sodoma
  • La longue marche des gays
Premio ricevuto
sito web ufficiale
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Wikidata Q521131
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identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: n96089546
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identificativo idRef: 034384634
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identificativo NKC: jo20181001278
identificativo BNE: XX5093507
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Pagine nella categoria "Frédéric Martel"

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File nella categoria "Frédéric Martel"

Questa categoria contiene 4 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 4.