Category:Idaho National Laboratory

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  • The INL's degree of environmental contamination has made it a Superfund site for remediation.
<nowiki>Laboratorio Nacional de Idaho; アイダホ国立研究所; Laboratoire national de l'Idaho; Idaho国家实验室; Idaho National Laboratory; 愛達荷國家實驗室; Idaho National Laboratory; Национальная лаборатория Айдахо; Idaho国家实验室; Idaho National Laboratory; آزمایشگاه ملی آیداهو; Idaho National Laboratory; مختبر أيداهو الوطني; Idaho National Laboratory; Idaho國家實驗室; Laboratorio; institut de recherche aux États-Unis; United States Department of Energy complex located in the high desert of eastern Idaho; United States Department of Energy complex located in the high desert of eastern Idaho; laboratorium in Idaho, Verenigde Staten van Amerika; 愛達荷國家工程和環境實驗室; 愛達荷州國家實驗室; 爱达荷国家实验室; 爱达荷国家工程和环境实验室; 爱达荷州国家实验室; Laboratoire national de l'idaho; INL; National Reactor Testing Station; NRTS; Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; INEL; Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory; INEEL; 爱达荷国家实验室; 爱达荷国家工程和环境实验室; 爱达荷州国家实验室; 愛達荷州國家實驗室; Idaho国家实验室; 爱达荷州国家实验室</nowiki>
Idaho National Laboratory 
United States Department of Energy complex located in the high desert of eastern Idaho
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
OrtIdaho Falls, Bonneville County, Idaho
Datum der Gründung, Erstellung, Entstehung, Erbauung
  • 1949
offizielle Website
Karte43° 32′ 00″ N, 112° 56′ 41″ W
Wikidata Q1314158
ISNI: 0000000100207392
VIAF-Kennung: 153971273, 148979192
GND-Kennung: 106638326X
LCAuth-Kennung: n84212397
NLA-Kennung: 36562350
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Medien in der Kategorie „Idaho National Laboratory“

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