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Suomi: Lakoon menneitä l. laonneita kasvustoja.
 Vedi anche le categorie : Windthrow e Windswept trees.
This category is about the condition of plants, especially of cereal crops, that have been flattened or damaged so that they cannot stand upright. For lodging as a place to live or lodge, see the category: Lodges.
<nowiki>Allettamento; 倒伏; verse; liggsäd; Wyleganie; legeren; ajagut; Lager; lakoutuminen; flaxhaedje; lodging; encamado; Ebe obibi (ọrụ ugbo); agricultural term, bending over of the stems near ground level of crops; landwirtschaftlicher Begriff, großflächiges Umknicken von Ackerfrüchten; accident de végétation dans les cultures couchant les tiges au sol; agricultural term, bending over of the stems near ground level of crops; Lagern; Lagergetreide; Lagerfrucht; flaxhaedje des dinrêyes; flaxhaedje des grins; avadjaedje des dinrêyes</nowiki>
agricultural term, bending over of the stems near ground level of crops
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File nella categoria "Lodging"

Questa categoria contiene 90 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 90.