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Questa categoria contiene le 25 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 25.
- Videos of parliaments (4 F)
- Media from (132 F)
- NATO Parliamentary Assembly (74 F)
- Speaker's Chair (3 F)
File nella categoria "Parliaments"
Questa categoria contiene 151 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 151.
1641 Prov-Gaspard VNV-01.jpg 5 153 × 2 772; 6,94 MB
1780-05-16 Turin 01.jpg 1 491 × 2 255; 1,53 MB
1800x1201.jpg 1 800 × 1 201; 231 KB
20180803175213 IMG 9880.jpg 3 648 × 5 472; 4,94 MB
A perspective view of the Parliament House & Exchequer LCCN2003680064.jpg 8 586 × 5 614; 9,22 MB
Agora white.jpg 300 × 300; 42 KB
Aipa-org-structure.jpg 842 × 595; 121 KB
Al-Qaman Provincial Assembly.svg 360 × 185; 3 KB
Angelo von Möller Victorian Youth Parliament 2023 no.2.jpg 2 048 × 1 366; 369 KB
Angelo von Möller Victorian Youth Parliament 2023.jpg 2 048 × 1 366; 270 KB
Anthony Head, Filming Near College Green, London (4655466629).jpg 2 000 × 3 008; 3,64 MB
Asaf Bartov speaking at the Senate.jpg 5 760 × 3 840; 5,94 MB
Assembleeconstituantede1789.svg 360 × 185; 52 KB
Assemblée de Corse 2004.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Az Egyesült Királyság Képviselőháza.svg 360 × 218; 54 KB
Barbados house of assembly 2024.svg 277 × 242; 3 KB
Bijeenkomst van de Staten (Parlement) In Suriname, Bestanddeelnr 927-8397.jpg 3 683 × 2 440; 1,08 MB
Bodleian Libraries, A new way to enforce an argument.jpg 749 × 1 000; 222 KB
Bodleian Libraries, Reflections on the French Revolution.jpg 683 × 1 000; 96 KB
Chain Bridge, Gellert Hill and Buda Castle by night (26869520374).jpg 6 000 × 2 838; 4,61 MB
Chamber of the Grand and General Council of San Marino.JPG 5 184 × 3 456; 8,28 MB
CLEL2022.png 562 × 391; 18 KB
Clemon2022.png 562 × 391; 14 KB
CLES2022.png 560 × 397; 14 KB
CLFAL2022.png 556 × 391; 14 KB
CLLG2022.png 562 × 391; 11 KB
CLPORT2022.png 839 × 595; 24 KB
CLY2022.png 558 × 395; 13 KB
CM-Saint-Priest-2021.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
CMElHatillo2022.png 420 × 329; 9 KB
Composition of the Parliament of Estonia (January 2024).svg 360 × 185; 7 KB
Composição da Assembléia Constituinte Brasileira de 1987.png 1 125 × 578; 222 KB
Consejo Insular de Formentera (2023).png 592 × 400; 60 KB
Consejo Legislativo del Estado Carabobo 2004.png 300 × 154; 4 KB
Consejo Legislativo del Estado Carabobo 2008.png 300 × 154; 4 KB
Consejo Legislativo del Estado Carabobo 2012 (por-partidos).png 300 × 154; 5 KB
Consejo Legislativo del Estado Carabobo 2012.png 300 × 154; 5 KB
Croatian Parliament 2024.png 1 275 × 835; 292 KB
Câmara Municipal Porangatu 9.ª legislatura.png 796 × 1 109; 108 KB
Dewan Negara 14th Parliament.svg 360 × 194; 7 KB
Division-bell.jpg 2 848 × 2 136; 1,45 MB
East African Fourth Legislative Assembly Diagram.svg 360 × 185; 5 KB
East African Second Legislative Assembly Diagram.svg 360 × 185; 5 KB
Envoy chambre Warsaw 17th.JPG 812 × 582; 78 KB
ExtremaduraAssembly2018.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Fictional House.svg 360 × 193; 62 KB
GOPAC Members.png 691 × 442; 89 KB
Greece Parliament 2019.png 383 × 204; 21 KB
House of Commons 2.jpg 6 800 × 9 359; 16,6 MB
Iraqi seal123.jpg 375 × 666; 12 KB
Jer-Parlément.ogg 1,1 s; 13 KB
John Doyle 1833 MPs.JPG 456 × 347; 38 KB
John Ntim Fordjour.jpg 3 502 × 4 079; 1,79 MB
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (1899) (14598255650).jpg 1 624 × 1 640; 648 KB
Kosovo-Assembly-Diagram-Post-2021.svg 360 × 185; 7 KB
Libyan Parliament (2021) factions.svg 360 × 185; 10 KB
Lietuvos širdis (9654550676).jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 2,49 MB
Logo of the National Assembly of Mauritania.png 497 × 502; 214 KB
Løgting Samanseting 2.svg 360 × 185; 2 KB
May 9th 1945 (10051097583).jpg 720 × 516; 30 KB
Members of the Defense Committe of the Knesset in the Southern Comand.jpg 4 365 × 3 206; 1,9 MB
Memeber-of-Parliament-2023.jpg 2 048 × 1 125; 1,59 MB
MHoC logo.png 512 × 512; 245 KB
Mock parliamentary session.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 5,45 MB
Mock parliment session.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 5,6 MB
Mona mpembele main image 03252019.jpg 759 × 949; 222 KB
Mp Ahmed Haitham at the 18th Sitting of 2nd Session of 2020 13 Jul 2020.jpg 1 140 × 736; 177 KB
Mp Ahmed Haitham at the 20th Sitting of 2nd Session of 2020 15 Jul 2020.jpg 1 140 × 736; 151 KB
Mp Ahmed Haitham at the 2nd Session - 3rd Sitting 1 of 2021 18 May 2021.jpg 1 140 × 736; 304 KB
Mp Ahmed Haitham at the 2nd Session - 3rd Sitting 2 of 2021 18 May 2021.jpg 1 140 × 736; 250 KB
Mp Ahmed Haitham at the 2nd Session - 3rd Sitting 3 of 2021 18 May 2021.jpg 1 140 × 736; 233 KB
Namibia Parliament 2024 Election Results.svg 360 × 185; 7 KB
Narendra Fernando.jpg 566 × 400; 149 KB
New Parliament Valetta Malta 2111-1867.jpg 5 488 × 3 662; 6,73 MB
Niger, Niamey, National Assembly (1).jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 1,82 MB
Niger, Niamey, National Assembly (2).jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 1,29 MB
Niger, Niamey, National Assembly (3), guards of honour.jpg 2 712 × 2 280; 1,23 MB
Osztrák Alsóház.svg 360 × 185; 9 KB
Oyo State Assembly.jpg 400 × 299; 44 KB
P1020148en.jpg 4 608 × 2 592; 1,75 MB
Parlamento Larioja 2023.svg 360 × 185; 3 KB
Parlementtypes.jpg 491 × 425; 43 KB
Parliament Icon.jpg 1 086 × 540; 12 KB
Parliament in session, 1966.jpg 900 × 677; 169 KB
Parliament Petitions Home Page.png 1 216 × 730; 64 KB
Parliament-construction.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 3,4 MB
Parliament-Edward Collier.jpg 434 × 358; 78 KB
ParliamentTonga.jpg 5 280 × 3 956; 13,5 MB
Parliametennte.svg 360 × 185; 3 KB
Partnership meeting between Wikimedia Team and Nigeria Senate.jpg 5 760 × 3 840; 6,06 MB
Persian Parliament 3.svg 360 × 252; 30 KB
Peter Katsambanis Parliament.png 242 × 263; 96 KB
Photo Challenge March 2022.jpg 4 848 × 2 188; 871 KB
Queen Victoria at the opening of Parliament, 1866. Wellcome L0002409.jpg 1 608 × 1 266; 1,1 MB
Raja Lamattulada Bersama Perangkat Adatnya.jpg 709 × 470; 56 KB
Recovered.jpg 3 374 × 2 971; 1,87 MB
Reliquiae-speeches-13-p19.jpg 1 534 × 2 914; 1,81 MB
SADC PF.png 305 × 491; 125 KB
Seat reserved for Loksabha Members in KSRTC Bus.jpg 4 518 × 1 367; 1 019 KB
Sefton Council May 2023 Diagram.svg 360 × 185; 5 KB
Seggi Camera dei Deputati (2022).png 1 920 × 987; 286 KB
Sen. Abdullahi meeting with Wikimedia Team.jpg 5 760 × 3 840; 5,15 MB
Sen. Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, Chair, Senate Committee on Media & Public A.jpg 5 760 × 3 840; 5,2 MB
South Africa — National Assembly 2024.svg 380 × 190; 70 KB
Steska pisoary.jpg 4 016 × 2 844; 2,62 MB
Supreme Soviet of Letonia 1990.svg 360 × 185; 10 KB
Svgfiles 2017-05-22-19-49-07-231073-174835677324298262.svg 360 × 252; 30 KB
Svgfiles 2017-05-31-20-01-24-217344-6815799677096001273.svg 360 × 252; 30 KB
Svgfiles 2020-02-18-11-24-04-894790-4770744116255668365.svg 360 × 185; 9 KB
Svgfiles 2022-02-23-14-11-18-202541-3416272017133141238.svg 360 × 185; 20 KB
Svgfiles 2023-05-29-06-00-13-293344-11354263835926781100.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Svgfiles 2023-08-21-16-48-4.svg 360 × 185; 19 KB
Svgfiles 2023-10-25-19-18-00-826701-16577742227965932645.svg 360 × 185; 6 KB
Svgfiles-2016-07-18-02-52-29-017039-16566619985654053428.svg 360 × 168; 30 KB
Svgfiles-2016-07-18-02-58-52-296959-4597505398059360256.svg 360 × 185; 3 KB
Svgfiles-2017-06-18-08-29-24-388315-166958040191376169.svg 360 × 218; 58 KB
Svgfiles-2017-06-18-08-40-57-502584-419524648162904490.svg 360 × 171; 79 KB
Tb Soenmandjaja.jpg 470 × 626; 70 KB
Teju lal Chaudhary 3.gif 659 × 763; 333 KB
The King in Parliament.jpg 700 × 962; 880 KB
The New Zealand Defence Service Medal - Flickr - NZ Defence Force.jpg 1 198 × 1 800; 277 KB
TS Parliament.jpg 1 600 × 702; 110 KB
Tunisian Parliament 2022-2023.svg 360 × 185; 6 KB
UN 1st Chamber Voting Blocs.png 1 037 × 555; 269 KB
USA 2018 Képviselőház (Kongresszus).svg 360 × 185; 20 KB
Vietnamese Assembly (7175707331).jpg 4 320 × 3 182; 2,98 MB
WA Legislative Assembly.svg 360 × 157; 6 KB
WA Legislative Council post 2021 election.svg 559 × 402; 26 KB
WA Upper House.svg 360 × 290; 11 KB
William Palmes of Lindley.jpg 494 × 702; 77 KB
Women-parliament-latinamerica-2011.png 1 811 × 1 251; 68 KB
Youth Parliament 1.jpg 1 600 × 1 066; 301 KB
Youth Parliament 2.jpg 1 600 × 1 066; 359 KB
Youth Parliament 3.jpg 1 600 × 1 066; 278 KB
Youth Parliament 4.jpg 1 600 × 1 066; 262 KB
Zanele KaMagwaza Msibi (NFP President) (cropped).jpg 317 × 475; 154 KB
Zanele KaMagwaza Msibi (NFP President).jpg 750 × 500; 58 KB
Zimbabwe House of Assembly.svg 360 × 262; 25 KB
شعار وزارة شئون المجالس النيابية (مصر).png 3 264 × 2 169; 2,63 MB
شعاربرلماني.png 400 × 400; 251 KB