Category:Samara (fruit)

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<nowiki>sámara; samara; крылатка; Flügelnuss; sàmara; samár; فندقه بالدار; 翅果; samara; ფრთიანა; 翼果; Dvojnažka; כנפית; samara; 시과; samaro; samara; Samara (plod); samara; samare; Tiibvili; sâmara; sparnavaisis; krilati oreh; samara; sàmara; Samară; skrzydlak; samara; samara; Крилата орашица; Quả cánh; крилатка (плід); vengefrukt; sámara; جناحية; крылатка; pallepähkylä; vrsta suhega plodu, ki se ne odpre, s sploščenim krilom iz vlaknatega tkiva; type de fruit sec indéhiscent; type of non-opening dry fruit with a flattened wing of fibrous, papery tissue; geflügelte Flugfrüchte, Samaras; tipo de frutos secos; tipo di frutto secco indeiscente; samara; venger; veng; samara; samara; key; key-fruit</nowiki>
geflügelte Flugfrüchte, Samaras
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Unterklasse von
  • Schließfrucht
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A samara is a type of fruit in which a flattened wing of fibrous, papery tissue develops from the ovary wall. A samara is a simple dry fruit and indehiscent (not opening along a seam). The shape of a samara enables the wind to carry the seed away from the parent tree.


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Medien in der Kategorie „Samara (fruit)“

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