Category:Space blankets

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English: A space blanket is a blanket used to reduce heat loss. It is also known as an emergency blanket, first aid blanket, survival blanket, or isothermal blanket. They were developed by NASA in 1964 for use in the space program. They are often constructed of a thin sheet of metallized polyethylene terephthalate or other plastic coated with a silver- or gold-colored metallic reflecting agent.
<nowiki>manta isotérmica; couverture de survie; tapaki isotermiko; Спасательное одеяло; Rettungsdecke; alutæppe; エマージェンシーブランケット; nödfilt; Folia NRC; שמיכת מילוט; reddingsdeken; рятувальна ковдра; Avaruushuopa; space blanket; بطانية الفضاء; Izotermická fólie; coperta isotermica; manta de plástico plateado muy fino; Beschichtete Folie zur Prävention einer Unterkühlung oder Überhitzung in der Ersten Hilfe; aluminized plastic sheet used to protect against heat in space; ماهي الأسماء التي تطلق علي بطانية الفضاء؟; aluminized plastic sheet used to protect against heat in space; manta de emergencia; manta de supervivencia; manta de primeros auxilios; manta térmica; Изофолия; Покрывало термическое; Покрывало спасательное; Спасательное покрывало; Rettungsfolie; Avaruuspeite; emergency blanket; first aid blanket; safety blanket; thermal blanket; heat sheet; shock blanket; Koc życia; Folia termiczna; Folia izotermiczna; Koc termiczny; Koc ratowniczy; Koc przeciwwstrząsowy; Koc ratunkowy; рятівна ковдра; Telino isotermico</nowiki>
coperta isotermica 
aluminized plastic sheet used to protect against heat in space
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File nella categoria "Space blankets"

Questa categoria contiene 35 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 35.