Category:Spherical polyhedra

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Categorie principali: Polyhedra e Spherical tilings
<nowiki>poliedro esférico; polyèdre sphérique; Сферический многогранник; 球面多面體; sferni polieder; 球面多面体; poliedre esfèric; сферичний многогранник; bolvormig veelvlak; 球面多面體; 球面多面体; Poliedro sferico; σφαιρικό πολύεδρο; spherical polyhedron; sfera pluredro; 球面多面体; poliedru sferic; tiling of the sphere in which the surface is divided or partitioned by great arcs into bounded regions; pavage de la sphère par des polygones sphériques; tiling of the sphere in which the surface is divided or partitioned by great arcs into bounded regions; pavare a sferei cu poligoane sferice; мозаїка на сфері, в якій поверхню розділено великими дугами на обмежені ділянки; teselado de la esfera en el que la superficie está dividida o seccionada por arcos de círculos máximos en regiones delimitadas; teselado esferico; 球面充填; 球面多面体; 球面鑲嵌; spherical tiling; σφαιρική πλακόστρωση; сферична мозаїка; sferisch veelvlak</nowiki>
Poliedro sferico 
tiling of the sphere in which the surface is divided or partitioned by great arcs into bounded regions
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In mathematics, a spherical polyhedron is a tiling of the sphere (2-sphere) in which the surface is divided or partitioned by great arcs into bounded regions called spherical polygons.

File nella categoria "Spherical polyhedra"

Questa categoria contiene 11 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 11.