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Category:The Big Bang Theory

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<nowiki>ဗိဘင်း သီအိုရီ; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Теория за Големия взрив; The Big Bang Theory; 囧男大爆炸; Teória veľkého tresku; Теорія великого вибуху; 囧男大爆炸; Teorio pri la Prima Explozo; The Big Bang Theory; 빅뱅 이론; দ্য বিগ বেং থিঅ’ৰি; The Big Bang Theory; Teorie velkého třesku; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; দ্য বিগ ব্যাং থিওরি; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Teorija velikog praska; The Big Bang Theory; 宅男行不行; The Big Bang Theory; द बिग बँग थियरी; 生活大爆炸; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Lielā sprādziena teorija; 生活大爆炸; Штребери; The Big Bang Theory; Takbëtɛ̈tkäk de Päticdït; The Big Bang Theory; 宅男行不行; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Böyük partlayış nəzəriyyəsi; The Big Bang; The Big Bang Theory; ದಿ ಬಿಗ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಗ್‌ ಥಿಯರಿ; تیۆریی تەقینەوە گەورەکە; The Big Bang Theory; نظرية الانفجار العظيم; The Big Bang Theory; 宅男行不行; Big bang theory; 囧男大爆炸; Agymenők; 囧男大爆炸; Бубалици; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Теория большого взрыва; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Тэорыя Вялікага выбуху; تئوری بیگ‌ بنگ; 生活大爆炸; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; ビッグバン★セオリー/ギークなボクらの恋愛法則; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; نظرية البيج بانج; The Big Bang Theory; המפץ הגדול; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; द बिग बैंग थीअरी; 生活大爆炸; Rillit huurussa; Teoria Big Bang; The Big Bang Theory; Назарияи таркиши бузург; தி பிக் பேங் தியரி; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; ਬਿਗ ਬੈਂਗ ਥਿਊਰੀ; The Big Bang Theory; Suure Paugu Teooria; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; బిగ్ బ్యాంగ్ సిద్దాంతం; The Big Bang Theory; Բիգ Բանգ տեսությունը; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; Teorija velikog praska; The Big Bang Theory; Зур Шартлау Теориясе; Didžiojo sprogimo teorija; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; 生活大爆炸; เดอะบิกแบงเธียรี; Teoria wielkiego podrywu; ദ ബിഗ് ബാങ് തിയറി; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; تۇرمۇشتىكى چوڭ پارتىلاش; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; sitcom estadounidense; amerikai televíziós filmsorozat; telesail amerikarra; serie de televisión d'Estaos Xuníos; американский телесериал; US-amerikanische Sitcom (2007–2019); амерыканскі тэлесерыял; مجموعهٔ تلویزیونی ساخته‌شده در ایالات متحدۀ آمریکا; 美國情景喜劇; Amerikansk sitcom; Amerikan televizyon durum komedisi (2007-2019); 美國情景喜劇; americký sitkom; американський серіал (2007-2019); 美國情景喜劇; 美国情景喜剧; yhdysvaltalainen komediasarja (2007 - 2019); americký sitcom; Američki sitcom; serie televisiva statunitense (2007-2019); মার্কিন টেলিভিশন ধারাবাহিক; série de télévision américaine; 美國情景喜劇; 美國情景喜劇; 美国情景喜剧; 美国情景喜剧; serial de televiziune; American television sitcom; dráma grinn suímh Meiriceánach; அமெரிக்க தொலைக்காட்சி தொடர் 2007-2019; série de televisão norte-americana; sitcom teledu Americanaidd; Amerikansk situationskomedi TV serie; תוכנית מצבים אמריקנית; amerikansk tv-serie; ameriška televizijska nanizanka (2007–2019); US-amerikanesch Sitcom; Série de TV americana; 美国情景喜剧; ซิตคอมโทรทัศน์อเมริกัน (ออกอากาศ: ค.ศ. 2007–2019); serial komediowy z USA, emitowany w latach 2007–2019; അമേരിക്കൻ കോമഡി ടെലിവിഷൻ പരമ്പര; Amerikaanse televisieserie; अमेरिकन कॉमेडी टीवी शो (श्रृंखला ); sèrie de televisió estatunidenca; ಅಮೇರಿಕಾದ ಹಾಸ್ಯ ಟಿವಿ ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮ ಸರಣಿ; سیتکەمێکی تەلەڤیزیۆنیی ئەمریکی ٢٠٠٧-٢٠١٩; American television sitcom (2007–2019); مسلسل تلفزيوني كوميدي أمريكي; αμερικανική κωμική τηλεοπτική σειρά; stirad skinwel SUA; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; 天才也性感; 宅男行不行; 天才理論傳; 特別變態科學家; 生活大爆炸; TBBT; 天才也性感; 宅男行不行; 天才理論傳; 特別變態科學家; 生活大爆炸; 天才也性感; 宅男行不行; 天才理论传; 特别变态科学家; 囧男大爆炸; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; The Big Bang Theory; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; TBBT; TBBT; 生活大爆炸; TBBT; TBBT; The Big Bang Theory; TBBT; The Big Bang Theory; Big Bang: A Teoria; TBBT; 生活大爆炸; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; بیگ بانگ تیۆری; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; مسلسل نظرية الإنفجار الكبير; مسلسل نظرية الانفجار الكبير; انفجار كبير (مسلسل); بيج بانج ثيرى; ذ بغ بانغ ثوري; TBBT; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; TBBT; Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang Theory; ТБВ; Теория большого взрыва (телесериал); TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; 天才也性感; 宅男行不行; 天才理論傳; 特別變態科學家; 大爆炸; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; 天才也性感; 宅男行不行; 天才理論傳; 特別變態科學家; 生活大爆炸; TBBT; A Teoria do Big Bang; TBBT; TBBT; The Big Bang Theory; ТБВ; Тэорыя вялікага выбуху; The Big Bang Theory; TBB; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; เดอะบิกแบงทีออรี; ทฤษฎีวุ่นหัวใจ; The Big Bang Theory; TWP; TBBT; 天才也性感; 天才理論傳; 特別變態科學家; 生活大爆炸; 囧男大爆炸; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; TBBT; 天才也性感; 宅男行不行; 天才理论传; 囧男大爆炸; The Big Bang Theory; TBBT</nowiki>
The Big Bang Theory 
serie televisiva statunitense (2007-2019)
Carica un file multimediale
Istanza di
Prende il nome da
Paese di origine
Consiste di
  • prima stagione di Big Bang Theory (1)
  • seconda stagione di Big Bang Theory (2)
  • terza stagione di Big Bang Theory (3)
  • quarta stagione di Big Bang Theory (4)
  • quinta stagione di Big Bang Theory (5)
  • sesta stagione di The Big Bang Theory (6)
  • settima stagione di The Big Bang Theory (7)
  • ottava stagione di The Big Bang Theory (8)
  • nona stagione di The Big Bang Theory (9)
  • decima stagione di The Big Bang Theory (10)
  • undicesima stagione di The Big Bang Theory (11)
  • dodicesima stagione di The Big Bang Theory (12)
  • Mark Cendrowski
  • Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper)
  • Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter)
  • Kaley Cuoco (Penny Teller, Penny)
  • Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz)
  • Kunal Nayyar (Raj Koothrappali)
  • Sara Gilbert (Leslie Winkle)
  • Melissa Rauch (Bernadette Rostenkowski)
  • Mayim Bialik (Amy Farrah Fowler)
  • Kevin Sussman (Stuart Bloom)
  • Carol Ann Susi
  • Kate Micucci
  • Bob Newhart
  • Alice Amter
  • Aarti Mann
  • John Ross Bowie (Barry Kripke)
  • Laura Spencer (Emily Sweeney)
  • Wil Wheaton (sé stesso/a)
  • Mark Harelik
  • Laurie Metcalf (Mary Cooper)
  • Margo Harshman
  • Brian Wade
  • DJ Qualls
  • James Hong
  • Riki Lindhome
  • Christine Baranski
  • Charlie Sheen
  • Summer Glau (sé stesso/a)
  • Amanda Walsh
  • Courtney Henggeler (Missy Cooper)
  • Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
Data di inizio
  • 24 settembre 2007 (Pilota)
Data di fine
  • 16 maggio 2019 (The Stockholm Syndrome)
Distinto da
sito web ufficiale
Authority file
Wikidata Q8539
identificativo VIAF: 184185822
identificativo GND: 7850552-5
identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: no2010180132
identificativo idRef: 270647325
identificativo BNE: XX5479361
identificativo BIBSYS: 1488830535594
identificativo BabelNet: 00010294n
identificativo J9U della Biblioteca nazionale israeliana: 987007362525605171
identificativo IMDb: tt0898266
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Pagine nella categoria "The Big Bang Theory"

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File nella categoria "The Big Bang Theory"

Questa categoria contiene 5 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 5.