Category:Three faces on one head

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Depictions of three faces on one head occurred in some mainly 16th-century and 17th-century Catholic depictions of the Christian Trinity (however, this type of iconography currently isn't really endorsed or fully accepted by any mainstream Christian denomination), in the Chicano "flag of Aztlan", reportedly in some depictions of the Hindu Trimurti, etc.

Note that a three-faces-on-one-head depiction has four eyes (though not all may be visible). If a depiction has six eyes (or would have six eyes if all were visible), then it should be classified in Category:Triple heads...

Compare Category:Double faces on one head , Category:Multiple heads

Siehe auch: Category:Triple heads.


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Medien in der Kategorie „Three faces on one head“

Folgende 35 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 35 insgesamt.