Category:Underwater gliders

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<nowiki>podvodni gliser; 水中グライダー; Planeur sous-marin; Podwodny szybowiec; Підводний планер; Glider Submarino; Подводный планер; 水下滑翔机; Unterwassergleiter; planador subaquático; underwater glider; 水下滑翔儀; 水下滑翔仪; Glider; categoria di veicoli robotizzati sottomarini; um tipo de veículo subaquático; type of autonomous underwater vehicle that uses small changes in its buoyancy to move up and down and uses wings to convert the vertiical motion to horizontal, propelling itself forward with very low power consumption; type of autonomous underwater vehicle that uses small changes in its buoyancy to move up and down and uses wings to convert the vertiical motion to horizontal, propelling itself forward with very low power consumption; vrsta avtonomnega podvodnega plovila, ki za gibanje navzgor in navzdol uporablja majhne spremembe vzgona in s krili pretvori navpično gibanje v vodoravno ter se tako z zelo majhno porabo energije poganja naprej; tipo de vehículo submarino autónomo; podvodni hidrogliser; Glider sous-marin; Underwater glider; 水下滑翔仪; 水下滑翔機; planador subaquatico</nowiki>
Podwodny szybowiec 
type of autonomous underwater vehicle that uses small changes in its buoyancy to move up and down and uses wings to convert the vertiical motion to horizontal, propelling itself forward with very low power consumption
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Wikidane Q2634473
identyfikator BabelNet: 01737727n
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Pliki w kategorii „Underwater gliders”

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