File talk:07 July - Percent of global area at temperature records - Global warming - NOAA.svg

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Your criticism of this image


@Harmonizator: Yes, I updated July data through 2021, with April data through 2023. Yes, NOAA data is monthly. Your edit comment said the legend would have to be changed--but I did change the legend to "(April; 1951– )", which is accurately updated. (Readers do not see the file name beginning with "202107..." which is for my internal reference) Can you explain your criticism that it is "nonsense" and should be removed? RCraig09 (トーク) 17:13, 25 July 2023 (UTC)[返信]

@RCraig09: Hi. I was writting a message for you. (sorry if my english is bad, I hope I'm understandable)
I was talking about the text legend of all Wikipedia, and also here in Commons, because it's always used without saying that it's only for April' means. (and actually, the title of the file have to say thats it's for April's means too)
But there is also something strange with all the month of 2023 on the NOAA site, because they are not identical to the previous years, as you can see for April 2023 which is different from April 2020, 2021 and 2022 which are correctly identical. And it's the same for the three graphs of the page and the ratio graph too, very strange.
Must important thing is too make changes on the englih Wikipedia (I can't) to explain that it's only for April means as an example. But I think it could be better to take a file from 2022 like July which is very impressive. --Harmonizator (トーク) 17:52, 25 July 2023 (UTC)[返信]
PS: and it was nonsense to change with a file of another month because if a Wiki had correctly written a legend saying that it's a graph for July, the legend is now wrong.
@Harmonizator: Thanks for responding. It's possible NOAA found new data that changed their earlier findings; I don't know.
There is a difference between a legend (like "(April; 1951– )" inside an image) and a caption (which is text beneath images in Wikipedia). The legend is correctly updated. And I just checked all 13 articles to be sure no captions referred to a particular month.
I plan to post a new version when July 2023 data is published. RCraig09 (トーク) 18:17, 25 July 2023 (UTC)[返信]
Caption, ok. Sorry for my english.
But don't you think it would be easier to have multiple files with a precise caption than checking everything.
Also, the month text is very small and when I read all the captions on WP, english or others, it's easy to misunderstand and think that it's for the full year. Or worst, the japanese wiki still say that it's for July in their caption. --Harmonizator (トーク) 18:37, 25 July 2023 (UTC)[返信]
PS: good idea to update with the next July data. The 2023 value will be crazy I guess.
NOAA does not post their data for these charts, so it takes a long time to make separate files, and calculate moving averages, in SVG format. I plan to rely on July data in this particular file. RCraig09 (トーク) 18:55, 25 July 2023 (UTC)[返信]
Ok, a lot of work I guess.
I made my first comment cause it really took me some times to understand that it wasn't a graph for the full years, and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one. It's always better if everybody understand in the good way your work without you have to check anything.
Thank you for this graph and your work while this crazy 2023 year. --Harmonizator (トーク) 19:57, 25 July 2023 (UTC)[返信]