File talk:Aanvaring tussen de schepen van Barentsz en Van Linschoten, 1595, NG-1979-564-7.jpg

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Names of the ships


This purports to be a picture of the incident where the ships of Barentsz and Jan Huyghen van Linschoten nearly collided.


Wikipedia says that Voyage 1 is three ships, Voyage 2 is six ships, and voyage 3 is 2 ships. The ships are named as follows. 1. The Rotterdam. 2. What looks like the flagship Gulden Windthunde and the (?) for the Vice Admiral.

Alternative spellings: 1. The Rotterdam. 2. Golden Greyhound? and the unnamed (?) but carrying the Vice Admiral, perhaps named the Mercury?

Linschoten was on the first and second expedition. Broichmore (留言) 14:06, 7 April 2020 (UTC)[回覆]