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(Muslims believe that it was Isma`il who was being sacrificed, though this is not explicitly stated in the Qur'an.)

In Quran it is clearly mentioned that it was Ismail who was sacrificed and in that verse the birth of Issac was prophesied as a blessing for Ibrahim (AS)

See the verse below;

"Ibrahim was of the self-same faith (as Noah) and came to his Lord with a pure heart. He said to his father and to his people, 'What are these that you worship? Would you serve false gods instead of Allah? What do you think of the Lord of the Creation?'

He lifted up his eyes to the stars and said, 'I am sick!' Then, his people turned their backs and went off.

He stole away to their idols and said to them, 'Will you not eat your offerings? Why do you not speak?' With that, he fell upon them, striking them down with his right hand.

The people came running to the scene. 'Would you worship that which you have made with your own hands,' he said, 'when it was Allah who created you and all that you have made?'

They replied, 'Build up a pyre and cast him into the blazing flames.' Thus they schemed against him, but we balked their schemes.

He said, 'I will take refuge with my Lord; he will guide me. Grant me a son, Lord, and let him be a righteous man.'

We gave him news of a gentle son. And when he reached the age when he could work with him his father said to him: "My son, I dreamt that I was sacrificing you. Tell me what you think.'

He replied: 'Father, do as you are bidden. Allah willing, you shall find me faithful.' And when they had both surrendered themselves to Allah's will, and Ibrahim had laid down his son prostrate upon his face, We called out to him saying: 'Ibrahim, you have fulfilled your vision.' Thus did we reward the righteous. That was indeed a bitter test. We ransomed his son with a noble sacrifice and bestowed on him the praise of later generations. 'Peace be on Ibrahim!'

Thus are the righteous rewarded. He was one of Our believing servants.

We gave him Ishak, whom We made a saintly prophet, and blessed them both. Among their offspring were some who did good words and others who clearly sinned against their souls."

 - Quran 37:83 to 37:113

The end part clearly mentions that Issac was not born at that time. -- 03:22, 18 June 2010

I'm sorry, but that seems to be an interpretation. Nowhere does it directly say that Ishmael was the one who was to be sacrificed... AnonMoos (talk) 08:06, 18 June 2010 (UTC)[返信]