File talk:Aileron roll.gif

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Request assistance finding a similar graphic


I would like to find a similar animated GIF file that would illustrate roll for a generic spacecraft (as well as pitch and yaw and translation for a spacecraft). If anyone has any ideas, a pointer to where I should look, or might be willing to construct such a graphic, please write me on my Wikipedia Talk page. Thanks very much. N2e (talk) 04:07, 13 December 2010 (UTC)[回覆]

From the description section: the animation contains an error


the animation contains an error ... Previously it is rightly said that the ailerons are connected to each other in such a way that when one of two rises, the other is lowered automatically. A left turn, entails an upward movement left wing, and a movement in the lower right wing and not vice versa (as can be seen in the figure). This is explained as, the wing that rises (the left one), creates a resistance such as to generate a downforce on the left wing ... the right aileron is lowered accordingly causing an increased incidence (angle formed between the rope and the wind direction), and thus an increase of lift that tends to increase the wing.

[Original Italian:] l'animazione contiene un errore... In precedenza si è detto giustamente che gli alettoni sono collegati fra loro in modo tale che quando uno di due si alza, l'altro automaticamente si abbassa. Una virata a sinistra, comporta un movimento verso l'alto dell'alettone sinistro, e un movimento in basso dell'alettone destro e non viceversa( come si nota in figura). Questo si spiega poichè, l'alettone che si alza (quello sinistro), crea una resistenza tale da generare una deportanza sull'ala sinistra...l'alettone di destra di conseguenza si abbassa provocando un aumento dell'incidenza (angolo formato tra la corda e la direzione del vento), e quindi un aumento della portanza che tende a far salire l'ala.