File talk:Aleppo blank districts 2009.png

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Incorrect map?


This map appears to be incorrect.

  1. The eastern part of Azaz District goes too far north and includes a slice of Turkey.
  2. The nahiya of Al-Rayi (Ar-Ra'ee, Ar Ra'i) is included in Jarabulus District, but from what I can make out it is actually part of Al-Bab District. Perhaps it was moved from Jarabulus District to Al-Bab District since 2009??
  3. The border for the southern part of Dayr Hafir District is different from what I see on other maps.

File:Aleppo blank districts.png seems to be more accurate. Nurg (對話) 02:37, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[回覆]