File talk:Allumage 2cv.svg

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Das Schaltbild ist falsch. Wenn der eine Anschluss der Sekundärspule zur linken und der andere zur rechten Kerze geht, kann das nicht funktionieren. Evtl. könnte man in der Mitte der Sekundärwicklung eine Anzapfung einzeichnen und mit Masse verbinden; ich weiss aber nicht, ob die 2CV-Zündspule wirklich zwei Sekundärwicklungen hat.

Diagram is wrong. If one end of the secondary coil goes to the left spark plug and the other to the right, this won't work. Maybe draw a connector at the middle of the secondary coil connected to ground; but I don't know for sure if a 2CV ignition coil really has two separate secondary windings.

- Andi

It does look suspicious. Although the system may work, it would require the spark current to bridge the gap of two spark plugs simultaneously, requiring extraordinarily high secondary voltage from the coil and putting much greater stress on insulating materials. A grounded centre-tap on the secondary would alleviate this. In other 2CV ignition diagrams that one can find on the Internet, no centre-tap is shown, but it may be implicitly there if the winding is connected to the steel armature, which, in turn, is connected to the engine block. On the other hand, I've seen references to the 2CV spark gap specification being 0.6 mm (0.024 in), which is about half as wide as what most other automotive engines use. It results in a rather poor, low-energy spark, but the voltage needed to initiate the arc is about half that needed in most other engines. — Quicksilver@ 00:35, 6 May 2015 (UTC)[回复]