File talk:AnnaKareninaTitle.jpg

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Transcription & translation


It would be helpful to have a transcription of the Russian text on the page. This would be helpful for computerised searching of the constituent words, and also would help readers who have difficulties in reading the small print near the bottom of the page.

It would be helpful to have translations (into English and other languages) for the benefit of readers who do not speak Russian.
On this latter topic, I am puzzled as to why the title page does not print the author's name as "Л. Н. Толстой". My best guess is that the title page is grammatically organised like a regular sentence, with the meaning "Anna Karenina [is a] novel [that] was written by L. N. Tolstoy ....", and that for such a sentence in Russian the grammar would require declension of the author's name because of (say) the passive tense used.

—DIV ( 08:28, 13 March 2021 (UTC))[回覆]

1,994 × 3,200 pixels.


Image of 1,994 × 3,200 pixels is not viewable by me. All other sizes are OK. —DIV ( 13:40, 13 March 2021 (UTC))[回覆]