File talk:Apollo 11 first step.jpg

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This photo is actually of Aldrin going down the ladder and was taken by the Apollo 11 LM television camera. Armstrong can be seen as the large bright spot to the left of the ladder. This photo (and video footage of Aldrin descending the ladder) are often misrepresented as Armstrong going down the ladder. Chris Gainor 13 July 2014.

The person who made this update, Craigboy, has been notified of the error and asked to fix it. JustinTime55 (對話) 18:10, 11 September 2015 (UTC)[回覆]

Better image

Higher quality image.

There is a higher quality image available at File:Apollo 11, Onto a New World - Flickr - NASA on The Commons.jpg. Also, the description and source documentation is better. --IngenieroLoco (對話) 23:25, 5 July 2016 (UTC)[回覆]