File talk:Atmosphäre Temperatur 600km.png

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First contribution

"T / °C" and "M / g/mol" should be corrected into the form "T [°C]" and "M [g/mol]".
"T / °C" und "M / g/mol" sollten korrigiert werden in die Form "T [°C]" and "M [g/mol]".
Dr.cueppers (talk) 10:41, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[回复]

dry vs. humid air


The starting vertical part of the green line from 0 to about 95 km height at the constant value about M = 28.6 corresponds to dry air.

If you consider the increasing water vapor partial pressure in the troposphere, when air gets warmer than 0°C and 10°C in warmer regions at the lowest 3 km over sea level.

10°C means (rule of thumb for cold water from the tap) 10 Torr partial pressure of H2O. At 76% relative humidity = 7.6 Torr or 1 % partial pressure at sea level.

M(H2O) = 18.0. Delta M = 10.6. 1% molar concentration of water vapor in air lowers its M by delta M = 0.1(06). Makes M = 28.5 of humid air.

Wide tropical and subtropical zones near the equator and areas at daytime within the summer hemisphere have absolute humid air, as temperatures range above (conservative estimated) 20°C.

The first and second lowest pixels of the green line (correspondung to about 1.15 and 2.3 km height) should be moved to the left.

delta M 25 / 600 pixels = delta M 1 / 24 pixels. ---> 1 pixel = delta M 0.04

Assuming that M ist lowered by humidity by a value difference of 0.1 (@ 10°C) in wider areas of the earth surface (up to 1000 m) and 0.3 (@ 20°C) in (sub)tropical zones an overall mean for the earth will be at least at delta M = 0.1.

For the height of 1000–2000 m, the second pixel should be the second Pixel fitting at delta M = 0.04

The low end of the green line in the diagramm by pixels shows now straight vertical down to the y-axis. "G" stands for a green pixel:







A more accurate diagram "for realistic humid air" should draw (at least) the two lowest pixels (according to crude calculations above) two resp. one pixel-steps to the left as shown here:








Otherweise it should be stated, that the diagram regards to DRY air.

--Helium4 (留言) 15:02, 16 March 2017 (UTC)[回复]