File talk:Avoided crossing in linear field.svg

出典:ウィキメディア・コモンズ (Wikimedia Commons)
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

Mathematica code


This is the command I used to generate the image in Mathematica 8.0. Please note that exporting this into .svg uses Mathematica native fonts which have to be converted to w:DejaVu fonts (preferable font due to unicode math support). SamuelRiv (トーク) 17:56, 9 July 2014 (UTC)[返信]

Plot[{(1/2)*Sqrt[4*(1-2*b)^2 + 1], (-(1/2))*Sqrt[4*(1-2*b)^2 + 1], 2*b-1, 1-2*b}, {b, 0, 1}, 
 AspectRatio -> 0.75, Frame -> True, LabelStyle -> Automatic, BaseStyle -> Medium
 FrameTicks -> {{{-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1}, None}, {{0, 0.5, 1}, None}}, 
 PlotStyle -> {{Blue, Thick}, {Red, Thick}, {Blue, Dashed}, {Red, Dashed}}, 
 PlotLabel -> "Adiabatic states in linear field; coupling |a|=1/2", 
 FrameLabel -> {"Magnetic field (E/\[Mu])", "Energy (\[HBar]\[Omega]/2)"}, Axes -> False, 
 Epilog -> {Text["\[VerticalSeparator]\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Phi]\), \(1\)]\)\[RightAngleBracket]", {0.5, 0.6}], 
   Text["\[VerticalSeparator]\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Phi]\), \(2\)]\)\[RightAngleBracket]", {0.5, -0.6}], 
   Text["\[VerticalSeparator]1\[RightAngleBracket]", {0.95, 0.75}], 
   Text["\[VerticalSeparator]2\[RightAngleBracket]", {0.95, -0.75}]}]