File talk:Bell 407 (D-HBEN).jpg

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Terms of license not complied with.Agnieszka Pietrzak (2010-09-06). "Dodatkowe siły na czas Idul Fitri". Centrum Studiów Polska-Azja.
Name ok but no license

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Terms of license complied with.Закрыто дело о гибели в авиакатастрофе иркутского губернатора (in ru). ПОЛИТ.РУ (2011-05-19). Retrieved on 2011-05-20.
Name ok. "Wikipedia", no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Srušio se helikopter u Meksiku, osmero mrtvih (in hr). (2010-10-16). Retrieved on 2011-05-25.
No name, no license, "Wikipedia"

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Terms of license not complied with.Marinha e Aeronáutica confirmam queda de helicóptero em Mangaratiba (in hr). SRZD (2010-04-22). Retrieved on 2011-05-25.
No name, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Pilot Dies in Tatarstan Helicopter Crash (in en). Novosti (2012-04-06). Retrieved on 2012-04-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Британски каскадьор скочи от хеликоптер без парашут (in bg).Академика (2012-05-26). Retrieved on 2012-05-28.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons"

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Terms of license not complied with.ヘリコプターと飛行機の違い (in ja). (2013-05-17). Retrieved on 2013-06-28.
Name ok, no license

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Terms of license not complied with.TugaK Triboo (2013-10-05). BELL HELICOPTER FURTHERS MARKET PRESENCE AT AVIATION EXPO CHINA: AGREEMENTS FOR 14 AIRCRAFT SIGNED AT EXPO. (in en). Retrieved on 2013-10-06.
Name ok, no license

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Terms of license complied with.Rach (2015-08-02). 10 great things to do in and around London #makelifelessboring (in en). Retrieved on 2015-08-03.

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Terms of license complied with.Таинственный вертолет-нелегал залетел в Подмосковье (in ru). (2016-03-31). Retrieved on 2016-05-11.
Name ok, no license, "", web.archive.or

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Edward Smith (2017-06-07). How a Helicopter Works and How a Helicopter Crashes (in en). Retrieved on 2017-06-08.

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Terms of license complied with.Edward Smith (2017-06-19). Helicopter Operations and Associated Risks (in en). Retrieved on 2017-06-21.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.В Татарстане разбился Вертолет Bell-407, пилот погиб (in ru). (2017-11-06). Retrieved on 2017-11-07.

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Terms of license complied with.В Татарии упал вертолет (in ru). (2017-11-06). Retrieved on 2017-11-07., image page,

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:
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