File talk:Biological cell.svg

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Barbara Akre (June 24, 2008). "Cellular Respiration - Lesson 1: Powering the Cell: Cellular Respiration and Glycolysis". CK-12 Flexbooks.

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Niamh Gray-Wilson (September 8, 2009). "Cell Structure and Function". CK-12 Flexbooks.

Hey there,

The different translations of the parts DIFFER from one another in different languages! Please check that.

Die Zellorganellen sind in englischer Version anders als in dt. Version benannt. Bitte prüfen. Hab jetzt keine Zeit. Schüß

Yes, I've notice that also. Look at number ten: In the english translation there stands "Vacuole" but in the german translation there stands "Lymosom". But in the english translation you can find "Lymosom" at number twelve

Mary Lou 42 (talk) 15:05, 26 September 2011 (UTC)[返信]

In der Deutsch Übersetzung sind die Lysosomen mit einer anderen Nummer versehen -> keine Konformität

I think number 10 should not be vacuole but rather perixosome. Or number 12 perixosome and number 10 lysosome. Vacuoles are not very common in animals cells I believe. TijnL (トーク) 20:11, 7 February 2024 (UTC)[返信]