File talk:BobHawke(cropped).jpg

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New crop


I think a substantially different crop, as the one from 31 December 2015, should not overwrite an image that is widely used since 2008. Following Commons:OVERWRITE, it should be uploaded as a different file. -- Michael Bednarek (留言) 19:36, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[回覆]

"the basic rule is that existing files should not be overwritten with substantially different content, whilst minor improvements should overwrite the previous version" - I highly consider an improved crop orientation change with no change in the image subject (Hawke's face) to be the same content, and I really can't see any downsides to changing the same image from the square crop to the more consistently-used and more professional looking portrait crop, but to make you happy i've done as you've requested... Timeshift9 (留言) 21:38, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[回覆]
I respect your opinion, but I think the new crop is significantly different. Replacing a widely used image can be seen as non-conforming with Commons:OVERWRITE, particularly Commons:OVERWRITE#Substantial crop or un-crop. I have no doubt that many editors would agree and see the new crop as improvement (although there is a distracting remnant of Caspar Weinberger's shoulder), but that is just supposition. There are also uses where the closer crop may be better, e. g. pl:Szablon:Pierwszy gabinet Boba Hawke’a. The cleaner, more transparent option is to create a new file and replace use of the old one in Wikipedia articles – something which you have now done with File:Bob Hawke Portrait 1983.jpg. -- Michael Bednarek (留言) 03:46, 2 January 2016 (UTC)[回覆]