File talk:Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-380-0069-37, Polen, Verhaftung von Juden, SD-Männer.jpg

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The picture here is pretty significant in another context. Soldier that sits in front of the car is very(!) similar with polish prime minister Donald Tusk. There was political affair some years ago that Tusk grandfather Józef Tusk allegedly was serving in the Wermacht. (look: en:Józef Tusk#Legacy) If would be nice if someone could check who really was this lookalike soldier. Picture here is used as a less or more serious proof that this is indeed the grandfather and I think many people sincerely believe it. If you search in images "dziadek tuska" or "dziadek w wermachcie" this picture comes first. Even Google if you put just "józef tusk" in plain search not in images show this picture in person summary bio box. In 2005 this case was "all over the news" in Poland. pwjb (talk) 21:45, 23 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]