File talk:C2007 E2 Lovejoy.jpg

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My date of birth is 20th November, 1966.  You have my
permission to use the image (keep in mind I may be
moving my website in the next few months so if you
link there it may become broken).

Terry Lovejoy

--- Winiar <m [dot] j [dot] winiarski [at] gmail [dot] com> wrote:

>> Dear Sir!
>> I have written an article on Wikipedia about you 
>> ( - in
>> polish, propably 
>> there'll be english version in short time), but it
>> is incomplete. Can 
>> you please send me your birth date (can be only
>> year)?
>> My second question is about photograph of your comet
>> - 
>> -
>> can I use it in 
>> wikipedia? It will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons
>> and redistibuted 
>> under terms of GFDL 


>> or Creative 
>> Commons Share Alike License
>> ( 
>> <>). You can read about
>> Commons licensing on 
>> I'll be also 
>> grateful for your photo to illustrate article.
>> Your faithful,
>> Michał Winiarski