File talk:Caucasus-ethnic en.svg

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Missing languages


Several languages are missing on the map, including Mingrelian, Laz, and Svan. More detailed information about this is available here. — Giorgi Gzirishvili (T · C), 03:22, 12 May 2017 (UTC)[回覆]

The area on the map labelled "Georgian" is approximately area of all Kartvelian languages. E.g., Georgian isn't spoken in Turkey - it's Laz, another Kartvelian language. 18:05, 30 January 2023 (UTC)[回覆]
I just checked and it seems like I was wrong - Georgian is also spoken in Turkey near the Georgian border. Oops. 18:09, 30 January 2023 (UTC)[回覆]

Going to Suggest Deletion


This map seems to be quite dated or incorrect:

1) Does not include Turkish people in Eastern Turkey. There are Turkish people even in Southeastern Turkey, as it is not 100% Kurdish. See sourced map [1]

2) I think the original map calls Turkish people Turkmen, and includes colouring in Northeastern Turkey (black colour) [2]. This seems to have been changed in the current map with Georgian colour. I believe this is falsifying the source. Here's the original Wiki file [3] Bogazicili (對話) 04:19, 14 October 2020 (UTC)[回覆]

(Moved these comments from the image description)


On this map Georgian ethnic groups are discriminated and not named right. Colors of “Abkhazia” have to be Georgians and not Armenians, there is some Armenians but Russians Implanted them after 2008 Russians envisioned Georgian land,(Armenians were helping Russians) they killed and displaced 350000 Georgians from this territories. Also on middle of the map where is the colors of Ossetians is hart of Georgia called Shida Kartli, which means hart of Georgia (ქართლი)not Ossetia or Ossetians, they (ossetians)moved on this territories after soviets envision 1921. — (talk) (contributions) 05:24, 12 October 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Data from 2004


The most recent version of this map in the Library of Congress is based on 2004 data.

The non-English versions of the map need to be updated as they are still based on 1995 data. — GravisZro (對話) 01:29, 27 March 2022 (UTC)[回覆]

@GravisZro: No, this image doesn't match the 2004 version (most easily noticeable in Abkhazia and Azerbaijan). But if you want to update it a bit further so it matches exactly, you are welcome to. Cherkash (對話) 22:12, 29 March 2022 (UTC)[回覆]