File talk:Coat of arms of Francesco Moraglia (Venice).svg

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  • Patriarch who is not a cardinal: 30 gold-embroidered green tassels.
  • Primate who is not a cardinal: 30 plain green tassels.

Thanks, --Cú Faoil (talk) 22:21, 7 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

¿Usted donde leyó eso? yo tengo entendido que tanto patriarca como primado (no cardenal) tienen 15 borlas verdes a cada lado, revisé mis fuentes y ninguna indica que las borlas del patriarca tienen los hilos de oro. Además, la descripción oficial no menciona hilos de oro en las borlas. (Online translation: Did you read where that? I have understood that both Patriarch and Primate (not Cardinal) have 15 green tassels on each side, I checked my sources and none indicates that the tassels of the Patriarch have gold threads. In addition, the official description does not mention tassels in gold thread.) --SajoR (talk) 23:35, 7 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]
  • This is the official image of the coat of arms of Moraglia as Patriarch of Venice, I don't see gold thread. [1]
  • This is an article of press about coat of arms and not to mention gold thread.[2] --SajoR (talk) 23:56, 7 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆] es un sitio web sobre la educación católica en Venecia. Las fuentes en de:Kirchliche Heraldik son estas dos: 1, 2. La primera está en español y dice que el patriarca de Lisboa puede usar la tiara, pero no menciona nada de borlas verdes con hilo de oro. La segunda es una imagen del escudo del patriarca latino de Jerusalén, y no veo hilo de oro en las borlas. (Online translation: is a site about Catholic education in Venice. Sources in in: de:Kirchliche Heraldik are these two: 1, 2. the first is in Spanish and says that the Patriarch of Lisbon can use the tiara, but does not mention anything about green tassels with gold thread. The second is an image of the coat of arms of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and I don't see gold in tassels thread.)

Puede ser que las borlas con hilo de oro esté en desuso, ya que encontré un sitio web que las menciona y su fuente es un libro de 1826, pero en 1905 el papa Pío X reguló definitivamente la heráldica eclesiástica. Solo los patriarcas de rito latino usan las borlas en sus emblemas, los cuales son: Lisboa, Venecia y Jerusalén. Solo el patriarca de Lisboa es primado, los otros dos ostentan en sus emblemas los símbolos de sus respectivas sedes episcopales, el de Venecia ostenta el León de San Marcos y el de Jerusalén ostenta la cruz de Jerusalén. Los patriarcas de las iglesias orientales en comunión con Roma, su heráldica tiene sus propias características. (Online translation: It may be that the tassels with gold thread is in disuse, I found a website that mentions the tassels with gold thread and its source is a book of 1826, but in 1905, Pope Pius X definitely regulated ecclesiastical heraldry. Only Patriarchs of Latin Rite use tassels in their emblems, which are: Lisbon, Venice, and Jerusalem. Only the Patriarch of Lisbon is Primate, the other two are in their emblems the symbols of their respective Episcopal headquarters, of Venice holds the lion of St. mark and the of Jerusalem bears the cross of Jerusalem. The Patriarchs of Eastern Churches in communion with Rome, its Heraldry has its own characteristics.) --SajoR (talk) 04:59, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

This is very strange. As you can see yourself, the gold tassel picture is used very widely across Wikipedias of different languages. If this is wrong, it should be corrected. There is one other Latin Patriarch (Eastern India, [4], for which I can not find a coat of arms. However, there were also four other Patriarchs that were abolished in 1963 and 1964 (Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, West Indes): Maybe these used this form? --Cú Faoil (talk) 21:48, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

Fui a la biblioteca publica, consulté en un libro de heráldica de 1933, dice que patriarca y primado tienen 15 borlas verdes a cada lado, y no dice nada de hilo de oro. Este es el escudo de armas del cardenal Angelo Scola cuando fue patriarca de Venecia y antes de ser cardenal, la imagen es pequeña pero se logra ver que no tiene hilos de oro. El usuario Maxxl2 le hizo una pregunta al usuario Adelbrecht, sobre el tema de las borlas con hilo de oro y esto fue lo que contesto: The interweaving with gold happens, but it isn't always the case. Both with and without the gold are correct, as long as the number of tassels is 15.
(Online translation: I went to the library publishes, I consulted a book of Heraldry of 1933, says Patriarch and primate to have 15 green tassels on each side, and says nothing of gold thread. This is the coat of arms of Cardinal Angelo Scola when he was Patriarch of Venice and before becoming Cardinal, the image is small but are seen has no gold thread. The user Maxxl2 asked a question the user Adelbrecht, on the subject of tassels with gold thread and this is what he answer: The interweaving with gold happens, but it isn't always the case. Both with and without the gold are correct, as long as the number of tassels is 15)--SajoR (talk) 22:59, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

I would like to know what Adelbrecht uses as his source. In any case, it seems the list of Arms in de.WP is not quite correct. Thanks for your research. --Cú Faoil (talk) 03:02, 9 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]