File talk:Colonisation 1800.png

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New Zealand


New Zealand is not a British colony in 1800 (becomes a colony in 1840). The Danish Empire should be included.



I think that USA should not be listed any more because it is not a colony after its independence. All the other colonies are not listed after them independences even in some cases in wich the conquest of territory continued, for example the patagonia region or the amazonas in south america.



It is to my knowledge that France claimed the western half of Australia, so why is it not coloured blue?Please reply on my talk page.--Collingwood26 (talk) 08:14, 2 February 2012 (UTC)[返信]

South America


Portuguese Brazil had already effective control over all the limits established by the Treaty of Santo Ildefonso (1777), while the Spaniards didn't have at all Patagonia, and barely had Great Chaco, Malvinas and its part of the Amazon Basin. Thus, the colors must be fixed. Regards Fabiorss1983 (talk) 13:26, 12 November 2012 (UTC)[返信]

I am Disagree with while the Spaniards didn't have at all Patagonia;

1.- Patagonia was officially claim in 1535:

Primeramente, vos doi licencia i facultad a vos el dicho Pero Sancho de Hoz para que por nos, y en nuestro nombre i de la corona real de Castilla, podais navegar con los dichos navíos que ansí os ofreceis a hacer para la dicha mar del Sur, donde tienen las dichas gobernaciones los dichos marques don Francisco Pizarro, i adelantado don Diego de Almagro, i don Pedro de Mendoza, i Francisco de Camargo, hasta el dicho estrecho de Magallánes, i la tierra que está de la otra parte dél; y de ida o de vuelta, descubrireis toda aquella costa de la parte del dicho estrecho, sin que entreis en los límites i paraje de las islas i tierra que están dadas en gobernacion a otras personas a conquistar, e a gobernar, ni rescatar, sino fuese mantenimiento para sustentacion de la jente que lleváredes, con tanto que no toqueis en los límites y demarcacion del serenísimo rei de Portugal, nuestro hermano, ni en los Malucos, ni en los límites que, por la última contratacion y empeño, se dio al serenísimo rei. Item, vos prometemos que, hecho el dicho descubrimiento de la otra parte del dicho estrecho, o de alguna isla que no sea en paraje ajeno, os harémos la merced a vuestros servicios; i entre tanto que nos somos informados de lo que así descubriéredes, seais nuestro gobernador dello. (...) Fecha en Toledo a 24 días del mes de enero de 1539 años.

2.- along the coast of Patagonia many settlements were established, although some were unsuccessful, for example:

  • The first expedition was commanded by Simon de Alcazaba Sotomayor who founded Caleta Hornos, in March 1535, in Gil Bay, 29 kilometers south of the present town of Camarones, with instructions of King Charles I of Spain to establish the Government of Nuevo León.

Others spanish settlements in Patagonia:

3.- Spanish kings also accepted Indians like subject when they yielded vassalage for example Parlamento de Negrete (1793) (Parlamento de Negrete (1793)), to this contributed significantly the action of thousands of missionaries, for example: Misión del Nahuel Huapi (Chiloé Archipelago), since 1609; Misión del Neuquén (Neuquén), 1689-1694; Misión de los Desamparados de Tehuelches (Tehuelche people) 1749 ...

-- 23:14, 16 November 2012 (UTC)[返信]

Dear IP, let me give some points:

  • 1- It had been only a claim, without practical effect;
  • 3- It was the case of the indians from Moxos, Chiquitos, Paraguay or Uruguay, but wasn't the Patagonian natives' case;
  • 2- Taking this as true, the map in the region should be like the European possessions in Africa at those times.

Regards. Fabiorss1983 (talk) 18:34, 17 November 2012 (UTC)[返信]