File talk:Comic image missing.svg

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Sorry, but if this is based upon en:Image:Comic image missing.png then doesn't it violate my copyright to release it into the public domain? I have released it under this license, which means this version must be also. Hiding 13:08, 7 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]

This image uses Image:Speech balloon.svg as its base image. That is a public-domain image. The only thing added is the text "No Image Available"; this does not constitute any original authorship and so cannot be copyrighted. The colour has been changed to match your image, but colours of images cannot be copyrighted either. So this work does not constitute any copyrightable changes on the SVG base image, which was in the public domain, so must remain in the public domain. Stannered 15:57, 7 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]
Fair enough. So you're saying there's no copyright inherent in my work at all? Hiding 10:00, 15 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]
That's my assessment of it, yes, sorry. Stannered 10:05, 15 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]
Don't apologise for having a point of view. I'm simply trying to work this all out, since it somehow feels off to me. You're arguing that I have created nothing, is that correct? Hiding 12:36, 21 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]
Not exactly; I'm arguing that what you have created constitutes no "original authorship", and hence is not eligible to be copyrighted. Stannered 15:31, 21 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Since all I asked for was that people attribute me and share in a similar manner, I feel hard done by. It's a small thing, most likely, but it is nice to have recognition for what you do, and that's all I wanted. For sure anyone could create the image, but it doesn't matter. I tend to disagree that I haven't conceived of something original, but there you go. All the best, Hiding 19:26, 27 May 2008 (UTC)[回覆]